Chap. 71: Breakfast In Bed

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(Picture of Chris & Katie above)
*Katie's POV*

The pain in my back that spreads through my entire aching body wakes me up. Tears automatically fill my eyes, I try to shift in my warm spot but it hurts too much. Soft moans escape my lips as I snuggle my head into my pillow. I rub my stomach.
Copper jumps up on the bed and puts his head on the side of my belly. Footsteps echo into the bedroom—WHOA! I smell chocolate chip pancakes! Copper jumps off the bed, nearly hitting my semi-bulging stomach. He dances in circles, barking happily on the floor. Chris places a orange plastic tray with chocolate chip pancakes and turkey bacon (healthier and it taste good!) on the other side of me. He sits down on the edge of the bed, his hand automatically on my belly. I've gotten used to that.
"Has our little princess kicked yet?" Chris pulls my shirt up, to revel my stretch marked belly.
           "Chris, you don't know the gender yet!" I smile at him tiredly, "Besides, I think it's going to be a boy. And no our mysterious child has not kicked since I took a shower last night."
            "You only want to kick when Daddy's not around." Chris talks to my stomach in a baby voice, "I don't care what you are, just as long as you and mommy are both healthy."
            I put my hand over his on my stomach. "I can't believe Tara barged in the middle of my Ultrasound and demanded that we didn't find out yet."
           Chris smirks, kissing my stomach. "Its for a gender reveal, isn't it?"
             "Yeah, and she volunteered to cater the sweets and appetizers. Then she expects either you or Andrew to serve a main course. THEN she expects Adora, Halee, and Kayla to set everything else up." I roll my eyes, "She's going a bit overboard, don't you think?"
              "No, I think it's nice that she wants to do this for us." Chris pulls my hair back out of my face.
                I give him a look. "She's expecting to get paid for all of this, I hope you know. AND to become the baby's Godmother."
                 Chris gives me a look. "Should we even consider Godparents?"
             "Well, I'm my state..." I start to say, sitting up to grab a piece of turkey bacon.
            "Stop it!" Chris sharply says, making me look at him. "You are NOT GOING TO DIE!"
             I sigh. "You don't have to yell at me."
              I start to reach for the bacon but Chris grabs my hand. When I look into those blue eyes on his, all I see is anger and annoyance.
              "Get. This. Through. Your. Head. Katie!" Chris says brought gritted teeth, "You ARE NOT GOING TO DIE AND LEAVE ME HERE ALONE! YOU'RE NOT! SO STOP TALKING LIKE THAT!"
              An exhausting wave of emotions rush over me. Tears swell in my eyes, a sob escapes my lips. I cover my mouth as I begin to cry. Chris is so mean!
              "Honey..." Chris says softly, "Stop crying. I'm sorry. Just stop crying."
              "You're so mean!" I sob, covering my face. "You're a mean man!"
               Suddenly, arms are wrapped tightly around me. The smell of Chris's cologne washes over me, filling my nostrils with his delicious smell. If I could, I could bath in him. Is that weird? Because I find him and his cologne INCREDIBLY sexy.
           "I'm sorry, Baby." Chris says in my ear, "I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry, quit crying."
            I sniff, grabbing a piece of turkey bacon. I pop the meat into my mouth, munching on its delicious taste. Chris kisses my temple sweetly. His hand rubs my bare stomach.
           "I love you, Katie." Chris says softly, "I don't know what I'd do without you. We're going to be okay. You, me, and the baby is going to be fine. Don't put any other shit in your head. We're going to be a happy family."
I pop another piece of bacon on my mouth. "There's still a risk."
"Why don't you just be negative?" Chris rolls his eyes.
I pull him into a kiss, my hands on his shoulder and neck. He deepens the kiss, softly moaning as he kisses me roughly. God, it's so nice to be kissed like this!
I put my thumb on his lower lip, staring up into his starry eyes. "You haven't kissed me like that in months. It was nice."
"Huh, then I guess I'm not doing too good a job as a husband." Chris kisses my lips, crawling over me. "Oop!"
Chris and I look down to see the baby bump in the middle of us. We both chuckle. I look back up at his gorgeous face. Oh boy, if I wasn't pregnant...
          "Have sex with me." I say out loud, instantly feeling nervous.
             Chris looks at me confused, alarmed. He sits up, giving me arched eye brows. I prop myself up on my elbows, giving him innocent eyes.
          "Wouldn't it hurt the baby?" Chris puts his hands on my stomach, "Who put you up to this?"
        "Not if you put it in a little." I give him a smirk then it quickly fades, "I just don't want you to lose interest in me and only see me as 'mommy'."
          Chris gives me a look. "WHO told you that shit?"
           "My mind." I say softly, "I'm not going to be what I used to be, Chris. I'm going to spent a lot of time with the baby, I'm going to be tired more, and have extra body fat. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm scared you'll lose—"
          Chris brushes his fingertips over my lips, shaking his head. "That's NOT going to happen."
          "But what if there's some beautiful woman—" I am cut off against
           "Shut that up." Chris says to me angrily, "You're MY wife. I committed to YOU! If you want, I will help you lose the weight, but I don't expect you to try and be available to me when you're carrying our child."
          "But I don't want you to lose interest." I say softly. 
           "I'm not going to lose interest!" Chris shouts annoyed, smacking his legs with his hands.
             Yes, Chris will. It happens to couples and I'm sure it will happen to us. So I have to be available to him and continue the intimacy. I feel like I have to and it will bother me until he lets me satisfy him. It won't be great but at least he'll be getting something.
            "I want to have sex." I say to him, "Please."
             Chris stares at me for the longest time. I can tell he's debating on this issue. On whether he may hurt me or not. Whether I'll cry more or less. Chris crawls on the bed and puts himself between my legs. He sits up and slowly begins to undo his pants.
            I can't help but giggle, enjoying what little peep show Chris is providing for me. "BUT ONLY after I eat my pancakes and turkey bacon."

What should they name their baby? Give me some ideas people! And if you haven't already commented, should Chris & Katie have a boy or a girl?

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