So I watched The Thief and The Cobbler

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A/N: yeah, during the time my wifi was still off, a day before it was paid, I stumbled upon a movie that's been on Youtube for a while. It goes by the name of The Thief and The Cobbler.

Now, there are of course other versions to this film, if you're one of those people who grew up with something like the Miramax version which took out a lot of stuff and added some inconsistent animation and even song numbers. However, the one I watched was the Recobbled version. Specifically, Mark 4 of it (the most recent version of it).

As you can see, This version shows off some of the stuff from story boards, unfinished or uncolored animation and extra dialogue. 

Honestly, even with the story boards and unfinished/uncolored animation, this cut is still very watchable and enjoyable and fits close to the original version that the creator of this film was trying to finish.

It may not have a thrilling story that you're supposes to get invested in, I'd say it makes up greatly for it's visuals, animation and the characters themselves. After all, this film was done by the same animation director who was responsible for Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Plus, having recently found out he had passed on the 16th of this month this very year, I thought that besides, this film went through the longest development hell I can ever imagine, I thought it'd be nice to show off his work to more people for them to have their own look at this interesting piece of animation.

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