MyStreet Series (Phoenix Drop to Her Wish) Review

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A/N: yep, this is a bit of a departure this time around. This review is on a Minecraft Role-Play Series. Yeah, I know, it sounds weird saying that. But, despite this being a Minecraft role-playing series, it's actually a pretty story driven one so I thought it deserves me to review it. 

One thing I should go over first is that I watch this series via a Timeline Perspective. Meaning I watch this from the Prequel Series first through the Mystreet series. Now to begin. 

This is the Series review of the Minecraft Series (From Phoenix Drop High to Her Wish).

This is the Series review of the Minecraft Series (From Phoenix Drop High to Her Wish)

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*The Prequel Series, Phoenix Drop High and Falcon Claw University, really give a good look into the stories of the characters who would be prominent in the series going forward during their school years.

*Zane's development from a little trouble making and evil jerk to soon becoming more softened up to others and being good friends to ones around him and even. Though, he does still have a few jabs at friends at times. It shows how Aphmau is able to help certain people show the lighter side of themselves.

*Garroth is a great main and comedic relief character.

*Some of the filler episodes before season 4 were pretty entertaining as well as helped season 3 build up to the next season.

*Aphmau and Aaron's Relationship from Phoenix Drop all the way to the end of the Series now.

*The tension played up in some of the prequel series and even later seasons are really played up well and generally made me worry for the characters.

*Aaron's parents coming out of their harsh shells and starting to act like good parents to their own son was a heartwarming. Much like with Zane, it really showed how much Aphmau is able to show to give some lighter sides to some people.

*Discovering Aphmau's farther and Katelyn's mother during the Starlight season was a shocking and unexpected twist.

*Seeing Sylvanna start to warm up to Aaron and Aphmau's relationship over the series showed good development in her as a character and a mother.

*The story of the Ultima Werewolf was a really nice looming story which comes full circle in the 4th, 5th and 6th seasons.

*Demon Warlock and Ein were an entertaining villain that I loved to hate.

*Aaron's song at the finale of Starlight was very beautiful and played well with the flashbacks between Aphmau and Aaron that played.

*When Angels Fall was the darkest and most depressing season ever. 

*Moments of this series did generally make me shed a tear or two. And I think that really shows how well they were able to pull things off.

*Seasons 3, 4 and 5 do a great job at building up what will come into play for season 6.

*While the animation moments during parts of the series aren't the best. They're still pretty well done and well lighted as well.

*The Final Battle between Aphmau and The Demon Warlock was amazing.


*There is at least some comedy that wasn't as funny in a few places.

*Some moments with the Ghost do feel a bit annoying. But, not all that much, she's still a pretty well character.

*Some moments with Sylvanna were kinda.... eh. She does get better as time goes on though.

*Her wish did seem to skip few things between it and season 6 as Aaron seemed to remember aphmau.

And that was the mystreet series from Phoenix Drop High to Her Wish. I've been saying that a lot because the her wish videos are canon and take place after season 6 and there's the possibility of a 7th season possibly happening.

I give the Mystreet series a high 9/10. This is  a really great Minecraft series. Jess and her crew honestly did a good job in conveying character into a series regarding minecraft of all things. Even if it's a minecraft role-play, it still does feel like it comes off as an actual show given how it's able to do it's characters and story. If you're ever interested, I really do think you should check it out, you may like it. 

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