Why People think the JP3 Spino COULD be a Hybrid

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A/N: so, I found a recent tweet that said the following:

A/N: so, I found a recent tweet that said the following:

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(Also, what's with this absolute unit stuff).

And the person who replied said that the theory was simply something made up by fans as an excuse due to the creature's modern reconstruction. I decided to take my own step and show more to why people thought it was a hybrid than just that one thing.

People don't just simply use it as an excuse for the modern reconstruction of an animal.

For one, it has to do with the JP3 Spino's behavior compared to all the other animals of Jurassic Park. The Animal showed off levels of aggressiveness and destructive nature similar to the Indominous Rex.

It stalk and chased humans throughout the part of the island despite there being other larger pray for it to go after. (Though it may have to due with the plane hitting it's sail).

The strength the animal was able to show off when it burst through a gate.

The comments that were found the Masrani backdoor website where Wu Mentions Gene Splicing and an "Accident he left on Sorna".

And even for something shown off in Jurassic World being the Spinosaurus skeleton that was on mainstreet.

And even for something shown off in Jurassic World being the Spinosaurus skeleton that was on mainstreet

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Said spino skeleton was different in many ways from the JP3 one. It had a different shaped sail, it's teeth were less sharp, it's head shape was different and it was smaller in overall size.

It had it's neck bitten down on, slammed and dragged across part of a jungle by a sub adult rex and was still alive despite this. The Spino's neck should have been crushed by the bit alone.

 The Spino's neck should have been crushed by the bit alone

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I'm aware that people don't like certain theories and I'm not judging this person if they do. The problem is when they don't take into consideration other things to why people may believe that this theory could be a possibility.

For an Outside Explanation, in the early 2000s, they simply wanted to make a new big bad dinosaur to replace T-Rex. 

For an In-Universe Explanation, all we know was it's a specimen that was cloned by Henry Wu and it at least had something to do with gene splicing before he moved to work on the indominous.

Until any actual offical conformation comes out on if the spino is a hybrid (at least the type of hybrid that the indominous and indoraptor were anyway since the dinosaurs in jurassic park are technically all hybrids), it's merely just a fun little theory that fans came up with due to a little bit of digging and I honestly think it's one of the more interesting ones. 

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