"................" Cordilia expressed her unwillingness of the situation, she wants her revenge now! But she does not want to hit a broken toy.

Lucifer took out a beautiful rose from his chest pocket and reached out, brushing Cordilia's hair aside and placed it behind her ear, muttering a few spell under his breath before he slowly let go.

".... I have prolonged my sleep for far too long....." Lucifer slowly closed his eyes.

"......" 'He actually dared sleep!!!!! Unacceptable! *flips table*'

[.... Host.... That Rose... Its like a tracking device.... When you leave, your soul will still carry the curse. In short, he will know where you are] A'Yuan said


Cordilia had to retrieve a sarcophagus and portioned it in the cave. Cordilia was still upset so she decided to make fun of Lucifer and began to mess with the place. She placed seals all over the place before she turned to leave.

Disappearing into the night, "Sleep well, when yiu wake up, let us settle the score"

End of Arc 6, Coridlia went back to the Future

Cordilia found herself back in the future.

She was inside a Sarcophagus.... A glass one with bundles upon bundles of roses around her.

Cordilia's expression turned black, 'The heck is this setting!? I, your mother, am not willing to play Snow White and the Seven Drawfs!' Cordilia exclaimed before Cordilia forcefully broke free from the ancient styled coffin.

Dressing herself presentably, Cordilia head outside. The butler gave her a report which made her face black.

'Plot sama really works hard. Female Lead actually grasped the three Male Lead' s heart. I arrived too late! Already at the end of the story!!' Cordilia complained.

[Exiting the World Cordilia?] A'Yuan asked

'Exit, Exit! Go! Hurry! This world give me alot of headache' Cordilia sighed, the hell she almost forgot Lucifer!

When Cordilia was leaving, she suddenly felt a tug behind her, pulling her back. Cordilia turned around and her eyes widen.

"Don't leave....." Lucifer whispered.

"I'm leaving" Cordilia said sternly, Lucifer had the nerve to look unwilling and angry.

"Cordilia, I am telling you now. Even if you leave today I will find you nad when I do it would not be pretty for you!" Lucifer said coldly, daring Cordilia to leave.

"I am leaving, I don't want your love either, keep it to yourself. You hurt me physically and bruised my ego multiple time, I cannot afford to be with you" Cordilia said coldly

She still left in the end.

She left....



'She really dared!!!' Lucifer raged in his mind, golden eyes bleed red.

Cordilia sat back in her recliner in the System Space.

She chuckled and leaned her cheek on the back of her hand, "The guy hid it well, had I not have the System with me, I would be in the dark. He actually taken a liking to a human...... To me at that.... Lucifer, you did not expect it didn't you? You probably expect that I would just beat you up and brush it off.... *chuckle* how does my revenge feel? Not being able to confess and rejected, not to mention leaving you in an unfamiliar era to fend for yourself.... Cruel enough?" Cordilia smiled coldly

'........ So ruthless and heartless......' A'Yuan pity the males chasing his host, Cordilia had blackened.

Blame the author.

Author, "........."

[Your mission was somewhat completed. Lucifer had messed time to the point that the world became unstable until it finnaly self destructed. We got the energy we needed. Good job] A'Yuan said

"A'Yuan...... Can you pick an easier world next time, without those annoying hugs around?"

[E rank it is] A'Yuan decided

Cordilia only hummed lightly and ate the ice cream. Smiling at herself, enjoying the lovely treat that sent her to cloud 9.....pink flowers and bubbles and hearts appeared around her, as if she did not just dumped a man hearthlessly 5 minutes ago........... So cute....... The last A'Yuan had saw this display was at that time.

[.........] 'Let take a picture'. Its rare for her to display and sell cuteness.... Must make a scrapbook' A'Yuan thought before a few clicks from the camera could be heard, Cordilia did jot give a damn, she was too busy eating

'Ah... If Cordilia will sell Meng, her chaser will definitely multiply. Must recommend her to stay a cold ice beauty instead. Its dangerous' A'Yuan sighed and chuckled to himself.

System I Want RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now