Arc 2 Chapter 10

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Cordilia grunted when her head bumped on the headboard and harshly hit the other.

"That hurts, moron!" Cordilia hissed

"You have alot of guts calling this Prince that name" Xue Jin Ying smirked

Cordilia rolled her eyes and sat up before she removed the hairpin from her head and tossed them on the ground, she lossened her black robes to reveal the white inner robes, messed up her hair a bit.

"You really are going all out with this. You, a woman have no sense of shame and decency" Xue Jin Ying said flatly when Cordilia loosened his belt and pushed the sleeves down to reveal Xue Jin Ying's collar bone.

"Heh, a Martial Artist has inner energy in their body that can circulate to fight the drugs and impurities in the body. So they would believe nothing happened, after all, who would even buy the story that I, the Princess General, who is well known for her martial arts would roll in the sheets with the delicate, sick, and fragile Crown Prince of Da Xue? They would think that I had better taste than that, that I have higher standards that... This...... In order to give them a show, everything must looked real" Cordilia said before she blew out the candle

Xue Jin Ying only chuckled at the blunt description. Cordilia pulled the blanket to Xue Jin Ying's waist and crawled under him before she laid down and faced him.

"You know, I could take advantage of you right now" Xue Jin Ying leaned down until their nose touched, Cordilia smirked

"Try it and let's see if I don't twist your neck and kill you" Cordilia challange the other, looking menacing while she's at it

"Anyways, do you know how to act?" Cordilia asked, Xue Jin Ying rolled his eyes

"Why do I need to?" Xue Jin Ying pouched and but on Cordilia's exposed neck making the girl shrieked

"You hooligan! The heck do you think you're doing!?" Cordilia almost kicked the man towards the window

"Leaving a mark to be convincing" Was a flat reply she got, Cordilia had an urge to punch the living daylights out of this guy

"You!" Cordilia gritted her teeth and quoted down when she heard a couple of footsteps.

Throwing her morals to the garbage can, she clung on this Boss Villain's neck.

"Ugh!" 'The heck is this man doing!? Fuck, what do you think my neck is, a chewing gum?!? Stop biting!' Cordilia shouted curses in her heart, she just kicked Cherry Lin from the top of her black list and placed Xue Jin Ying on it instead.

Cordilia had a strong urge to grab a knife and hack this man on top of her to death. Stab him to death ah!

'𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚝 𝙷𝚘𝚜𝚝. 𝚂𝚎𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍' A'Yuan thought ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

The door was slammed open and shrieks could be heard outside.

Cordilia felt she really lost alot of face but she must do this.

"Do you mind? This room is occupied! Try on the next room, get lost!" Cordilia shouted and waved her hand before the door slammed shut.

Xue Jin Ying:.......

Mo Yue Xin:.......

Feng Qian:.......



'Where is the promised 'Seek justice, seek life, seek death!?' The way you are playing the script is wrong, did you know?'

Cordilia did not mind pushed Xue Jin Ying away from her and scowled in disdain before she straightened herself.

'.... Am I really that disgusting to look that?' Xue Jin Ying felt his ego has been smashed

To be honest, Xue Jin Ying did not lose to the Male Lead in terms of appearance, temperament, intelligence, and popularity, its just that Xue Jin Ying is a sick person making him inferior to the Male Lead who can bed 7 women a night. (Now that's a Stallion Protagonist)

Cordilia saw that Xue Jin Ying was tall and slender but his complexion is not good, making it seemed like a gust of wind could knock him down.

Not to mention he was black bellied like Cordilia.

After Cordilia fixed herself, she pulled her hair back to the style it was before but more messy and she scowled when she saw the hickeys in her neck, she did not bother to cover it and even let some show.

Turning behind, Xue Jin Ying had stood up and already tidied himself.

"Let's go?" he asked, Cordilia nodded and walked over before she looped her hand around Xue Jin Ying, making him raised a brow once more.

He glanced at the girl before he took grabbed his cloak by the chair and helped Cordilia wore it, just in time for the door to open again, the 5th Prince and 6th Prince was by the door, Feng Shirui had been the one to open the door.

"People really are rude, did not even taught them how to knock" Cordilia said coldly and as she did not even glance at the door, pretending to be busy and help Xue Jin Ying wore another extra cloak on him.

Their actions really are intimate, warm, and harmonious. It really made onlookers believe that this was not a scheme. They were shamelessly and forcefully feed dog food! They are not hungry, okay!?

This move once again caught people off guard.

"Let's go ask for his Majesty's permission. This Prince think it's time for us to be tied down" Xue Jin Ying said casually and took Cordilia's hands

"En" Cordilia nodded

'.....what the heck?! Where's the interesting play that we were promised with?! This isn't part of the script at all! (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻'

Author has something to say....

Iceberg sama: Editor kun... You're unhappy?

Editor kun: Hm. You go to sleep, it's already 2 in the morning. *pats the side next to him*

Iceberg sama: mmkay....

Cordilia: Shameless Duo.

Editor chan: I'm not hungry (of dog food)

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