Arc 2 Chapter 15

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Cordilia snapped her eyes open when she heard faint footsteps. Probably the maidservants.

Cordilia stood up before she walked over, pasted a sign that has an arrogant and straightforward "SCRAM! Do not disturb!" in bold and neon letters on the door before she slammed it shut.

Xue Jin Ying was startled awake when he was tossed in the bathtub by Cordilia.

"Hey!" Xue Jin Ying narrowed his eyes at the disrespectful attitude of his current Princess Consort.

'Is this girl even a girl at all?!' Xue Jin Ying thought in indignation

"Hurry up and take a bath. We'll be late for the 'whatever-it-was-called' ceremony" Cordilia said as she folded the clothes and tidy up the room, Xue Jin Ying scowled but still complied.

Cordilia helped Xue Jin Ying out of the tub, someone seemed to be playing a joke on them as the tub was very tall.

Cordilia was from the Modern World and she was open minded, naturally things like this she did not mind.

Xue Jin Ying could only sigh and let Cordilia do as she please, as always. There is no use in using his high position against this woman, she would only looked at him with disdain and mocking eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xue Jin Ying raised his brow

"Making fake hickeys" came a blunt answer

"*cough* *cough*"

"Tsk, what an idiot, even swallowing saliva, you still choked?" Cordilia said in disdain

'Is it my fault that you don't possess a shred of decency!? Aish! Whatever, I should get use to this' Xue Jin Ying resigned to his fate in accompanying this shameless and blunt woman.

"Anyways, the mamas will barge in here sooner or later. That sign on the door won't keep them out for long" Cordilia said as she fixed her hair up in a style married woman wear.

Not too long ago, there was a knock on the door and it slid open quite rudely.

The mama's paused seeing the ambiguous position the two newly wedded couple are in, curtsey to Cordilia's suddenly sprang up and pounced on Xue Jin Ying, like a cat.


"They are seemed to be delayed" Feng Qian commented

"What do you expect? Unlike some of us, others have been rolling in the sheets on their Wedding day" Mo Yue Xin mocked, making Feng Qian's expression turned from red, white, green, then to black.

'Everyone knows that as soon as you are married to the Imperial Family, you were left by your husband to spend the night alone in the bridal chamber, and not only that, lots of calamities befall on the Empire. You brought Disaster'

The disaster Mo Yue Xin talks about are strange, she had a feeling that the girl Feng Xian jiejie(Cordilia) was behind it.

This made Mo Yue Xin smiled in satisfaction. 'That's right bitch. So what if you marry the one I loved, if he does not favour you, then you're nothing but a tool in his eyes, you are nothing. Sooner or later, you'll be crushed in the Imperial Harem, be it mentally or emotionally. What Princess General? You're just a replacement'

'Even if you held that status, with or without power, people will still remember that you're only second to a commoner, a position you occupied is only a trash on a commoners eyes. How does it feel? Terrible? Humiliating? It should be. What bodhisattva? In the Noble Circle, you are already ruined' Mo Yue Xin thought gloatingly

Feng Qian felt displeasure at the taunting gaze and remarks if Mo Yue Xin, this insignificant little spoiled bitch. As a woman from modern era, her experiencing something like that is no big deal, sure it hurt her pride and ego but she did not mind and it did not bother her as much as others thought it would. But still, the subject was brought up abruptly and publicly was still crossing her bottom line. Feng Qian resent Mo Yue Xin, her reputation has been tarnished, in the Ancient Era, one's reputation is far valuable than gold, otherwise why would there be green tea bitches and white lotuses everywhere?

"Yeah, so what is she's the Crown Princess and Princess General, this Miss bet that is Princess General Feng Xian Er has not fallen in love with the Emperor, Xue Jin Ying.... Ah, what a pity"

Before Feng Qian could counterattack and smear mud on Mo Yue Xin, the door abruptly opened.

Two figures strolled in calmly and arrogantly, as if they did not make the guests wait for 2 hours.

Girls were about to shoot their dagger filled words on Cordilia when they saw few red spots on her neck, some even could be seen peaking out of the clothing she wore, her cheeks were rosy pink like a well loved woman (*insert sarcastic laugh*) although she looked energetic, like Xue Jin Ying beside her, they possessed the signs of exhaustion under the arrogant, dangerous, calm, cold, and 'You're beneath me' Aura. It makes people angry at their conceited behaviour but at the same time, marveled and awed at their display of alof, cold, and graceful manner, like a pair of immortals that descend from the higher realm.

The two walked until they finally sat on their respective chair, in this case the Dragon Throne. Everyone has still not accept this boldness but could they voice it out?

Stop joking, you might as well prepare for an oxygen tank, else Feng Xian Er will sent you to the outer space for looking down on women.

Everyone knows Feng Xian Er does the 'Looking down on you and the others' not the other way around

Force her to see you as an equal to her? Beat her in a fight and maybe she'll reconsider if she would snap your neck or not. Even Xue Jin Ying is helpless on her wishes, and you can do something about it? The answer is no, even if she bow down to you as a courtesy, it's nothing but a mere disgrace and mockery, her gaze would peirce you with an expression that say 'I gave you respect, not because I want to but because I am only doing it for the sake of tradition, nothing more. You're still beneath me and nothing can change that' this would make someone cough up blood in anger instead of feeling satisfaction and seeing her bow down. It's best if you just let her stand and don't offend her else she'll anger you to death.

"So.... So early in the morning, yet everyone is very energetic, even dare use the Emperor as your subject of discussion, really not afraid to court death. I'm impressed with your uncultured and unrefined behaviour, really reminds me of the barbarians in the Northern West part of Long Empire, really amazing" Cordilia said dully and gazed at the people, as if she did not just insult them

'..... Your mother's the barbaric one! Aren't you also the one who likes to talk bad about your husband behind his back, you don't even care if he's in front of you! Stop putting blames on us if you also do it yourself okay?' (╬ಠ益ಠ)

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