Clearing Up!

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Author: welcome to the GoddessOfBlack89 Story Talk Show where we have our beloved MC as our main guest!

Cordilia: you're lame, you and the name of your talk show *disdain*

Author: *shrinks* B-but..... Ahem... Let's begin.

Cordilia: *scoff* not only you were lame but a moron as well

*ignores the MC*

Author: this is from the majority of our readers who had been dying to know of what your answer is. So, the question is "Do you still feel something for Elreste? And why?"

Cordilia: *blinks* oh.... That guy. He's pretty weird and all, i also don't understand these emotions I am feeling and...... This uncertainty... I admit that it scares me. I don't like it if the situation is not under my control

Author: *disappointed* okay, another question "If you are to get you memories back, what will you do?"

Cordilia: I'm not quite sure yet.... I'll decide when I cross that bridge in the future

Author: next question, "Do you think Elreste has a chance to get your love?"

Cordilia: Er..... I don't know. Frankly speaking, A'Yuan told me that in my past, he and I had a good relationship together as friends and at that time I was not romantically involved with him. I can see that he is quite um... Borderline obssed with me... No, with the old Cordilia. And even if I do get my memories back, but would everything be the same? I don't think so. I have out live that old Cordilia's age and this habit of mine differ from before..... Its only naturally that he might waver, but then again maybe he won't.

Author: so he doesn't have a chance!?!?!

Cordilia: I..... I....... I don't know... I don't know, okay? Let's put it this way. Your soul had scattered for hundreds of years. When it was finally whole you realised that you don't remember anything and was in the run from some beings the first thing you were conscious and was told that they are the reason that you can't remember anything. Everyone you know was gone, wiped from your mind. Then you went from one world to another to destroy worlds and suddenly, someone from your past suddenly show up with strong feelings and you are unfamiliar with them... Tell me, how should one feel?

Author:............... I don't know... To be honest, if it was me, I would push them away and.... Its quite difficult

Cordilia: then you understood me

Author: next question, "Do you care for him instinctively?"

Cordilia: *pause* in some ways......i do.... But I would disappoint you, in a romantic way, I really don't.... Maybe in the future I will but then again maybe I won't... Time will tell

Author:.......... This is what other are being concerned about," Who do you choose? Xue Jin Ying or Elreste?"

Cordilia:....... I choose A'Yuan

Author: the system!? You're in love with your system!?

Cordilia: FUCK NO!!!! *takes out a war hammer* GET YOUR FUCKING MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!

Author: Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea(S. H. I. T)! *dodges*

Cordilia: A'Yuan has been with me the longest, always been there and he is kinda like a parent of some sort, or maybe a brother I never had. So if I weight the value of every male I meet in my life, I would choose A'Yuan despite meeting Elreste first of had two children with Xue Jin Ying first.

Author: whore *digust*

Cordilia: (メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一


Cordilia: whatever. Next question please

Author: okay, okay, okay. In the future arcs, would you be romantically involve with Xue Jin Ying or Elreste?

Cordilia: nope. I'll send them off flying to other worlds. I'm a woman that needs no man. I can handle myself fine. Besides, have you forgotten why I am going from one world to another? At this time, romance is only in the way

Author: *thought* 'I did forgot 😅' but being repressed would be bad, ya know

Cordilia: it doesn't matter. The further they are from me the better. Plus, I am easily targeted when I Brough out those souls will me or have them following after me. Don't you forget, I go against the the God of the Systems.

Author: understood. You may go now.

Cordilia: thanks *leaves*

Author: alas, I found myself in a difficult spot the longer I write Cordilia. She is a complicated character. Admittedly, the most complicated character I wrote so far that even I, the Author, found myself at loss. I don't quite seemed to get her character myself. So can anyone of you summarised her down? It's getting complicated as time went on.

Author: anyways... Let's invite two people over!

*Elreste and Xue Jin Ying enters*

Author: Welcome distinguished guest!

Elreste: let's get this over with

Xue Jin Ying: you're our creator? You look.... Kinda ordinary.

Author: *coughs up blood*

Author wiped the blood and decided to ignore the comments

Author: so, what do you think of each other?

Elreste and Xue Jin Ying: I scored on Cordilia first


Xue Jin Ying and Elreste looked at one another with hostility.

Elreste: I meet her first, so she is mine.

Xue Jin Ying: so what? We bot had twins together and grandchildren after. And she is my Empress. She must take responsibility

Elreste: I love her first

Xue Jin Ying: I married her first

Elreste: so what? She'll choose me in the end

Xue Jin Ying: uncertain you are. I spend more time with her

The two glared at each other with sparks in their eyes.

Author: um.... Help? *looks at the readers with pleading eyes*

So.... Who is willing to make fanart for my babies (character)? If you still have many confusion. You can meesage me on Facebook or messenger. My name is Chieko Urimeshi. I can't exactly contact well in the Private Message here in wattpad. 😅😅

You can question me there for more confusion. Thank you

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