8: Monday catastrophe!

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Remeber when I said I was going camping yeah turns out it's next week so yeah more writing for you guys also I'm going to try and post 2 stories out today ok! Alright so keep reading! 😁😁😁😁😄😄😄😄

Lapis and peridot were getting ready for Monday with Steven and Connie for there double date in the diner in the corner of beach city they were going to leave when lapis forgot her purse so she went back to get it some one was in front of their dorm it was garnet 

"Hello lazuli I want to talk to you it's about peridot "

lapis was a little confused "y-yeah what about her ? And wait how do you know her name ?"

"I have my ways~anyways if she doesn't tell you the truth about a certain someone come find me please you need to know what happened between peridot and her.. mother and I trust that she will tell you about and about what she did to herself..."garnet was starting to walk away threw lapis's purse which lapis caught 

"W-wait what her mother?" Lapis looked at her purse shook her head and walked out heading towards peridot and Steven and Connie 

They were walking towards the diner and lapis couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on her it wasn't peridot or Steven not even Connie it was dreadful eyes she felt like she has seen or felt them before 

Lapis looked back and saw nothing maybe i imagined  it  lapis continued walking by peridot 

"Oh hey were here!" Peridot pointed at the diner 

"Great lets go get a table!"Connie and Steven both ran up towards the diner

16 minutes later 

They sat on a 4 way table about to order Steven got a hotdog and fries Connie got some fish and chips peridot cot some nachos and lapis got  2 hard tacos 

Ounce they got there food Steven snickers when lapis took a bite of her taco and when peridot took a sip of her water 

"What's so funny...?"  "Are you alright Steven your snickering are you choking or...?"lapis was confused and then Steven said those so called funny words 

Connie snickers and said "peridot how do you feel drinking lapis?"

Steven then said "hey lapis how do you feel eating peridot?"

Lapis and peridot blushed looked at there food lapis looked at peridots nachos that she was trying out and peridot looked at her water they blushed and said in unison 

"Steven Connie your paying!" They looked at each other and started laughing they continued eating though

Their waiter came back and lapis had asked for the check and they got it they were about to leave when lapis saw a women who looked oddly familiar and lapis wide eyed the woman and she looked back ...




Lapis ran away 

Why is that here I-i what if it wasn't her no I know those eyes I know them I just know they were hers! 

Lapis  stopped running  she looked back to her surprise it was peridot running after her and lapis continued running and she stopped again instead she was on top of the cliff right above Stevens beach house 

How did I run here so quickly?

Peridot was behind her "lapis! Why did you run off did I do something wrong?"

The 2 lone gems lapidot (au very emotional with words maybe 🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang