2: water witch

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"Well what is it"lapis is looking straight at her emotionless mother not saying a word 

Blue then finally spoke "it has come to my concern your school and your.. attendance"lapis looked at her with a look not a surprised one but with a worried one as if her life is about to end 

"W-what about it" she studderd she knew what was coming next

"Your teachers had informed me that you've been skipping more than often... and that you have been absent more than enough times but never seen around the building" 

" what is going on?"

Lapis's mom is starting to sound more violent which is no surprise 

Lapis didn't say a word had her mother known why she's been avoiding school

"I-I've been -w-well I"lapis was afraid,afraid that the worse would happen

"ANSWER ME"blue was furious "or don't tell me I need to answer for you"

Lapis froze she was scared her pulse raging like fire in her lungs she then spoke "b-blue I c-an explain" 

"EXPLAIN WHAT that you dropping out and was going to run away!? What else can you be a disgrace of you WATER WITCH" blue was becoming violent.

Lapis looked at her mother's eyes filled with rage those words ..water...witch... those words 


"C'mon lets gooo"a random voice shouted 

"I know I know hold on it's been some time since I thought someone a lesson"snickers the unknown persona 

"Please stop leave me alone"that was lapis they were camping and lapis's mom told her to get her own food and lapis's May have gone to far

 She was caught taking some cup noodles from three teens after all she was only 6 years old they were at the front of a lake (they had chased her there )

"Please leave alone"lapis whimpers she's not afraid she's enraged because her mother left her and she couldn't even eat

 lapis was raged but the teens didn't care they simply came closure as they took lapis is head and shoved her in the water by the second






Lapis breath and anger filled her eyes she stood and grabbed the teen by the shirt and hurled him into the lake he he gasped and came up for air the current lifted him as if it had a mind of its own the teens looked at lapis and were backing away when the water pushed a wave onto the second teen but that was wired cause it was a lake it had no waves 

"Y-your a demon! A sorcerer! A-a WITCH!"

"Your a WATER WITCH another wave came then scilence.. 

lapis returned to the camp and they returned home that day

In the car ride home those words stuck with her 

Water witch...water witch....water witch .../

Those words had been playing in her mind crashing into her thoughts like waves

That was also the day she had started liking the ocean...

Flash back over..

In the present:

Lapis had the same look on her face when her mother said those words but she stopped and looked at her mom

Her mother spoke

"You were always a disgrace never good enough for this family your worthless no talent no brains"....

"And that's why I'm getting rid of you..."

"And you leave tomorrow... don't bother saying bye I don't want to see your face ever again"


Lapis was looking down when her mother said those words






Lapis soon enough was in her room packing... and someone was behind her a little kid...

Hey guys ! So what did you think a little sad but things will get better! Also if your wondering where peridot and the Chrystal gems are don't worry there coming in the next chapter!😁😁😁! Keep in mind that I upload every day!have a good day!😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊

The 2 lone gems lapidot (au very emotional with words maybe 🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu