12: wedding bells and promises

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It's been a week ever since the camping trip and the incident with the teens and the water power situation and now it's time for the wedding everyone was so excited and happy they were all sitting and cheering

Ding dong

Ding dong

Ding dong

"I was never really wondering what a weeding was for I thought only you needed to say I do or something"lapis was sitting on the beach with peridot they were watching the sun set while everyone was dancing they weren't a big fan of dancing so they passed on it 

"I guess but I didn't really know that either but seeing a-wedding now it's kinda beautiful..."peridot smiled at lapis and we're getting closer then...

"HEY GUYS! We're gonna have a party at ruby and sapphire! HOUSE!"

Steven yelled at lapis and peridot to follow and they did turns out that Steven and the others weren't having there party at ruby and sapphires house because they wanted to have some time to themselves so decided to host it at the theater in the welcome home 

At the theater 

Everyone was having fun getting drunk of course and just having some good teen fun!

Lapis and peridot were sitting on the couch chilling when Steven goes on the stage and decides to make an announcement and that caught lapis and peridots attention 

"Get ready for some songs! Everyone!"

Steven looked straight at us and lapis being positive pulled peridot up kissed her cheek and took her on stage peridot was cool with it 

Peridot was playing guitar and lapis playing piano and decided singing a song that they made themselves in there months of friendship and singing in theater club one two three four the countdown stoped and they started playing and singing there song they invented


Do you ever feel like braking down do you ever feel do you ever feel out of place

Like somehow you just don't belong and know one understands you 

Do you ever want to run away do you ever get pushed around 

With the radio turned up so loud that know one hears you screaming 

No you don't know  what it's like when nothing feels alright you don't know what it's like to be like meee 

To be hurt to be broke to be left out in the dark to be hurt when your down

To feel like you've been pushed around to be on the edge on breaking down

And no one understands you no you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life

Welcome to my life 

Welcome to my lifeeee

After they strum and sang the final words they went scilent smiled and everyone cheered lapis kissed peridot and  everyone went wiled 

10 minutes later

Lapis and peridot were walking down the boardwalk of beach city and stopped 

"Hey lapis.. I want to talk"peridot looked at lapis with eyes of nervousness 

Lapis looked back and was confused "actually I also wanted to talk..."

Lapis blushed and went to peridot 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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The 2 lone gems lapidot (au very emotional with words maybe 🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ