I bent over to grab my charger.. But it was missing. "Marissa, where's my charger?"

"Oh, I grabbed it for you."


"Oh.. Okay. Thanks."

We all trudged out of the hotel and into the black SUV that was waiting for us.

I sat at the far right with Marissa in the middle and laid my head on the window, watching all the cars go by. Why do I have to leave? Why can't she just.. Be okay again. She was fine literally yesterday. Maybe I can do some convincing after the concert and she'll let me stay.

After about fifteen minutes of driving, I became bored. "Isn't the venue only, like, ten minutes away?"

Silence. K then.

I slightly bounced my head against the window, trying to come up with something to entertain me.

I went to window watching again and saw a sign up ahead that read something about turning left at the intersection for the airport.

We'll be going that way later.

I was just about to consider napping, when we turned left.

"W-we're going to the venue, right?"


I turned my head to look at Marissa, "Right?"

She continued to just stare at me with blank expression and it was pissing me off. Were not leaving right now. We can't. We're not leaving until tonight.

"Dammit Marissa, answer me." I snapped.

"We're.. We're going home."

"What?!" But Demi! I didn't say goodbye. "I didn't get to say goodbye! Marissa we have to turn around!"

I'm desperate! I just need them to turn around. At this point, I don't even care if we leave tonight as long as I get to tell Demi bye.

"Madison, did you know about this?!"

"Uh... Well... I-"

"Demi is going to be pissed off at you guys when she finds out!" I yelled, realizing that Demi wouldn't let this happen. This is basically kidnapping.

"It.. It was her idea, Annie." Marissa is so calm it's scary. Her idea?! Are you fucking serious?!

I slumped in my seat. I give up. Demi wants me gone. It's final. Who cares.

I laid my head against the window and felt tears prick my eyes. Why would Demi do that to me? I need her and she let me go without a goodbye. I'm mad at her. I don't know why, but I'm mad at her.

"We're here, ladies." The driver said.

Marissa thanked him and I took the time to get out. Without a doubt, my suitcase was in the back. Cooleo.

Marissa handed it to me and i took the handle in one hand while using my other hand to pull the sunglasses over my eyes. No one is going to see me upset. I'm unfazed.

At least that's what i want Demi to think.

We boarded the plane without any other words besides Marissa talking to Madsion every now and then and where she told us to go. I even got the window seat. Bitches.

I hit my lock button long enough to see I had a few text messages from Demi before I swiped my finger a cross the "slide to power off" button. If she doesn't want to say goodbye or talk to me, I feel the same way.


When we landed in California, it was gloomy and dark, twinning my mood.

In the matter of a half hour we already dropped Madison off and then headed to Marissa's.

"Are you mad at me?" Marissa asked.

I sighed, "No. I'm mad at Demi."

"Why? She was only trying to make it easier for you."

"Well, she didn't."


"I don't know why I'm mad, okay? I just am." I snapped.

Marissa looked appalled. I shouldn't of snapped at her especially after all she's done for me.

"Mar, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of-"

"Annie," she laughed, "It's okay.. I know you're upset. It was a shitty thing to do, but we both kinda expected you to talk her out of it."

I faintly smiled and nodded, knowing it was true. That was my plan, after all.

When we pulled into Mars, I grabbed my suitcase out of the back and followed her inside.

"I know you'll be sleeping with me, but you can just put your stuff in the guest bedroom." She spoke as I followed her up the stairs.

I turned left and opened the guest bedroom door, tossing my suitcase on top of my bed. Deciding against shutting Marissa out, I walked to her room.

Her room was a total disaster. Clothes were thrown all over the floor, her sheets were half on- half off and it was literally crazy.

"Marissa! What happened to your room? Where's your floor?"

She turned to look at me and said, "A potato flew around my room before you came, excuse the mess it made.."

I let a giggle fall out of my mouth at Marissa's comeback from the vine. I will admit, I did laugh a little to hard.

"See, I am funny!" Marissa said.

"Occasionally," I joked, flopping down on what I think was once her bed.

"Annie," Marissa said, "Someone's on there way over to see you.."

"Who?" I asked. Conner? Demi?

"Wilmer. He said he'll be over in ten."

Chaos. My life is a bunch of chaos.

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