Epilogue: Friendship and Love

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That was probaly the most awkward conversation of my life. Well besides the time I had a lengthy disscusion with Chaeyoung about the male anatomy.

My mom and dad had taken it better then I thought they would and after an earfull and a slap on the wrist, I was pummeled in kisses and "Im so happy your alrights."

I was currently sitting in the diner down the street from my house, the other 6 members of Bangtan gathered around the small table towards the back of the resturant.

Namjoon couldn't make it, due to his new workload that came with managing the Korean Council and attending school.

He was honestly doing a much better job then I could've ever been capable of and I was proud of him.

He even managed to convince the 4 rebellions leaders to become apart of the new council.

Though I couldn't deny I missed his presence, it felt kind of incomplete without the angry giant around.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Jimin pinch my arm.

I shot him a glare before pinching him back with even more force.

He shot me a pout and I rolled my eyes before placing a peck on his cheek.

"What do you want."

"Well, while you were off in lala land your milkshake and pastries came."

I looked in front of me to see that he was indeed right, my strawberry milkshake and dough puffs sitting untouched in front of me.

I shot him a sheepish smile, before procceding to take a long slurp of the sugary drink in front of me.

"Your so cute my little pancake."

He pressed his lips against my forehead and I blushed as Yoongi made a fake gagging noise.

"You two are nasty."

"Shut up ghost boy, your just jealous," my boyfriend retorted.

"So what if I am," the mint-haired male grumbled.

I shot him an apolegetic smile.

It had been pretty awkward when the other 6 members of Bangtan confessed to me.

I had to turn them down, though I did love them just not in the way they might have wanted.

I wouldn't give them up for anything though and wished them all the happiness in the world, even if I couldn't be the one to give it to them.

I slid one of my three pastries across the table.

"This will sweeten you up Yoongs."

The boy glared at me but dug into the blueberry filled pastery.

"Guess who it is!"

I turned around in shock to see Baekhyun slamming open the door with BamBam and Jisoo trailing behined him, their hands interlocked.

The two of them had started dating after Mark was sentenced to 4 years repentance after aiding Wonwoo.

I have no idea how they had become friends with Baekhyun after thinking ill of him for so long but things change I guess.


I was attacked in a noogie by Baekhyun almost choking on my milkshake as I made an attempt to swat him away.

"Why does your bacon ass always feel the need to attack me."

"It's a display of our friendship," he whined.

"I never knew assualt was an added bonus."

He gasped. "You just admited to being my friend!"

I'm so done.

Luckily Jungkook saved me by dragging the male away to talk about video games.

BamBam and Jisoo pulled up chairs beside me and I spun around to shoot them a suggestive look.

"So how are things going for you two?"

Jisoo's cheeks flushed red. "Good its still kind of weird to think I'm dating a guy with magical powers but I'm surviving."

"Good, cause you'll be stuck around people like us for a while," I joked.

We had decided to tell her about what was happening after she started freaking out after reading my "if I die note."

She had surprising taken it well and was even less freaked out then my parents.

BamBam pulled out his phone flashing me a picture of three naked cats dressed up like K-idols.

"I finally had enough time to finish my cat pop group. They're called NCP.
Naked cat pop."

"Wow BamBam, you've really out done yourself."

I had no words for the creation in front of me.

Another bang sounded from the front door and I could see the waitress beginning to look irritated by the constant commotion.

"How did everyone know we were here?" Hoseok asked.

I raised a brow. "Good question."

Chaeyoung winked. "Namjoon told me you guys might be here."

The two had been working together since they were now the head and future head of their respective councils.

I watched in amazment as the silver-haired male sauntered in behined her.

I hadn't seen him in almost two weeks and he looked more mature in a way.

"Joon!" Jungkook screeched, tackling the older male in a hug.

Namjoon ackwardly patted his back flashing his award winning dimpled smile.

Our table had grown in size in the last 20 minutes and despite their obnoxiousness I couldn't be happier to call them my friends.

"You know what we never truly celebrated, saving the world from destruction so I think we should celebrate," Baekhyun spoke up.

"Jihye you should make the toast."

I hesitantly stood up, watching as a silence fell over the group in front of me.

"Well I don't really know where to start, most of you decived me at one point and I probaly felt like violently stabbing you but things change. At this point you've all become like a second family to me and I don't think I could ever live without you.

We literally stopped the destruction of the world, despite the odds being against us and I think thats amazing."

I couldn't help the tears that began to cloud my vision as I thought about how far I had come with the people in front of me.

"I-I really love you guys."

"We love you too Jihye," Taehyung shouted, flashing his boxy smile.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve smiling in return.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

The rest of the evening was filled with talking and laughter, as we spilled stories and poked fun at eachother.

"Hey Pancake, come with me for a minute."

I shot Jimin a confused look but followed him anyways.

He led me outside and I marveled at the sight of the twinkling stars.

The blond grabbed onto my hands rubbing soothing circles into the exposed flesh.

"There's something I really want to tell you and it's totally ok if you don't feel the same way but..."

He paused biting his bottom lip.

"Jihye, I've never felt this way before about anyone and when I with you I honestly feel like I'm high. I love you."

My eyes stung with tears and I used my hands to cup his face.

"I love you too Jimin."

And as our lips connected I felt that everything was just as it should be.

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