~ Chapter One ~

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"Okay Goth, look here, here!" Chara spoke as they tried to get Goth to look at them. When he did Chara smiles, "Gooth~ I want you to say Chara!"

Goth was chewing on his teddy bear that he got for his birthday that had happened two months ago. "Cawa..."

"AWWWW!" Chara awed as they smile, "Now say Frisk!"

"Isk." Goth blab out.



"Isk? I mean...I guess that can do.." Chara kept their smile, "How about...oh! Geno?"

"No." Goth looks at Chara as he went back chewing on his stuff bear.

"No?" Chara laughs lightly, "Geno is your mama. Ah! Say mama!"


"Why does it sounds like you're trying to say Ana?"


Chara blinks confusedly as they coughs and lift Goth up. "I'mma take you to Frisk." They carried Goth into the room that Frisk stayed at. "Oh Friiiissskkk~" Chara sang softly.

Frisk look up from their phone as Chara had burst into their room with Goth. "I have a special package for you~" Chara places Goth down on the bed. Goth looks at Chara and Frisk before bapping Frisk's face. Frisk face heats up as they giggle, "Awh you're too cute." Frisk spoke softly as a little bit of blood leaked out.

"I'm gonna go now, he's your problem~" Chara left the room. Goth watches as Chara left as he looks at Frisk. "Isk!" He blab out happily.

Frisk sat up as they pull Goth close, 'you know..' they started to sign. 'you don't understand me very well, because you don't understand sign language.' They smile, 'but, I'll teach you!'


"Yes?" Frisk spoke softly, wiping the blood off of their face.

"Isk!" Goth smiles at Frisk as he claps his hands together. This, making Frisk happy. They started to hum as in a sec, had lifted Goth up and well they were off. Out of the bedroom, and to the little playroom they have for little Goth.

Frisk places Goth down as they say down on the floor as well. Watching as Goth crawled around, playing with the toys he have and well playing with Frisk. The two spent their time enjoying the time together and playing.

Geno soon peeked into the room and sigh in relief, he left Goth with Chara for a moment only to have Chara tell him that Goth was gone. How to panic a newly parent, huh? How to have Geno hate you 101? Anywho, he was extremely happy and glad as he saw Frisk with Goth.

Frisk looks over and wave. Geno smiles at them as he enters the room, feeling relaxed that his child is safe. "Ama!" Goth blab as he careful walked his way over to Geno, but gave up half way and crawled the rest to his mother. Geno smiles as he lifts his son up, "Goth." He hums softly as Goth baps him.

Frisk got up and went over to Geno, 'He really likes to crawl despite knowing how to walk.' they sign.

"Yeah he does, can't blame him much though, unless he becomes a lazy bum like his father over there. Hopefully that doesn't happen."

' Don't jinx it!' Frisk signs as they tilts their head slightly, ' He's totally gonna be like Reaper now. '

Geno sighs, "Hopefully...not?" He smiles awkwardly.

Frisk sighs in disappointment, Geno surely probably jinxed himself now with it. They know so as they decided to leave the playroom and heading back to their bedroom.

♠️ An AfterDeath Scenario ♠️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя