Chapter 4

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"Sooo.....what's your deal? With coming to UA that is," you casually asked to lift the atmosphere a bit.

"To become a hero," Shinso answered blankly as if that was the only obvious answer he could give. 

"Pfft, I know that much, but there must be something else to it, I mean, don't you have some sort of motivation?" you asked while strolling along side him on the sidewalk. Shinso then glanced to the side to look at you now realizing he'd have to give an explanation either way. Before he answered, you'd only just noticed how broad his shoulders were and how far his eyes were from yours. Was he always that tall or were you just short?

"I did it to prove them wrong," he answered.

"Them?" you asked once more kinda confused on who 'them' was referring to.

"Yeah, ever since my quirk manifested, everyone always told me it was an awesome and powerful quirk - perfect for a villain they said, hence, I want to become a hero to prove them all wrong and become more than all they could ever wish to be," he explained.

Wow you have no idea how scary you sound right now.

You thought to yourself, though you had no issue at all in understanding him. 

"I don't expect you to understand though. I mean, sure you have an annoying quirk, but I don't think anyone would strike that as ' fitting for a villain ', " he said almost playfully.

"True, but I actually know someone else who's been faced with the same situation as you, so I kinda understand, " you said.

"Really. And how close are you to this person so much that you obviously know their whole life story miss no-friends? " Shinso asked in a sarcastic tone almost not believing a word you've said.

"Well that person is my mom," you stated blankly, destroying the wall Shinso started to build almost instantly.

".......Oh," he managed to say.

"Yes, and she was blessed with a quirk very powerful and equally dangerous. When she was younger, all she ever wanted to be was like those fancy heroes you'd see on TV, but when her quirk manifested, all it did was hurt others so she gave up on the dream all together. The funny thing is, the clear line between you and my mother, is that she's the one holding herself back, " you said, smiling with saddened eyes.

".....Well that's..." 

"Hey! " you interrupted abruptly, "Do you realize you've been following me all the way home? " 

"What makes you think I'm following you? We could just both be heading in the same direction, " Shinso simply replied in a tone that could almost fool you that he wasn't trying to be cheeky.

"No, that'd be impossible. You see, I'm very active on these streets so I'd know if you were from around here, " you replied quite confidently.

"Sigh, it's pretty late and it's not safe for little girls to be out on lonely streets at this hour," Shinso stated.

Little girl!!!!!! I knew it, I'm short T_T

"That has got to be one of the most cliché lines I've ever heard, besides, the sun isn't even down yet, " you childishly complained.

"A lot of difference a few minutes can make, " he answered.

"Hmph, anyway this is my stop, " you said as you've reached the (L/N) residence.

"Nice house, " Shinso surprisingly complimented.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow, " you waved grinning like an idiot as you stepped first onto the lawn. Not surprisingly, he just walked off without saying a word, but you didn't miss the tiny smile that escaped his lips. This slightly made your heart skip a beat.

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