Chapter 3

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....."Umm, yeah, won't happen again," you said in a chirpy tone hoping this could be the start of a new (first) friendship. There was just something about him that made you want to keep talking. Either that, or you were just desperate for a friend. 

"Yeah," he replied blankly, obviously uninterested in continuing the conversation any further. He then turned his heel towards the HUGE classroom door and you silently followed. As he proceeded, he halted for a quick second.

"Are you following me?" he asked in a slightly suspicious tone not making too much of a deal from the question he just asked. 

"Huh, no. I guess we're in the same class, " you nervously chuckled seeing as your attempts in making a good impression were utterly failing. You entered class 1-C placing your bag at your respected seat which just so happened to be behind his.

"I uh, didn't catch your name back there," you started.

"Shinso Hitoshi," he replied.

"(L/N) (Y/N)," you smiled holding out your hand for a friendly handshake quickly putting it back where it belonged after catching a glimpse of the cold look in his eyes.....or was it lack of sleep?

"So, why are you out this early?" you said hoping that your conversation stater matched the fact that there was literally no one else in the classroom but you two.

"I could ask you the same," he replied in a surprisingly not unfriendly tone. You were starting to have a little faith in where this was heading.....

"Ah, right," you said as you goofily fiddled with the hem of your skirt.


Are all girls this annoying?

You felt your pride boat sink as you heard this and you unintentionally replied to his somewhat offending thought in the hopes of getting your boat back afloat. 

"Not that I'm trying to be annoying or anything, " you said boldly, 'Or a girl for that matter,' you said that last part to yourself outside his audible range.

And she somehow managed to kick it up a notch

"I didn't say you were," he replied giving you an odd look.

"Ah..." you were about to retaliate when you heard his unsaid thought.

I see what she's trying to do. She's trying to play friends but I guarantee that if she knew what my quirk was before hand, she would've thought twice before starting this conversation in the first place.

Upon hearing this, you couldn't continue speaking as you realized this boy felt the same way you did. Many times you'd try to make friends without the mention of your quirk, but, you'd often mess that up.  You'd make tiny slip ups by replying to their thoughts and apparently, no one wants that kind of privacy invaded so you've been constantly avoided. The only person this didn't seem to bother was spiky hair (still doesn't remember his name) and that was in freaking kindergarten. Because you felt how uncomfortable Shinso was with your presence, you decided to leave him be and waited in the silence for the school (and the other lazy kids who might still be in their beds) to awake. Still, you couldn't help but wonder what was so anti-friendly about his quirk - what was his quirk? 


"Good morning class C!!!!" a black haired heroine walked in in what was questionably a hero costume. 

"As you already know, I'm the 18+ only hero - Midnight, and now that you've finally settled down we can get down to business."

What is she wearing???!!

Two Minds Are Better Than One (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader) *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now