Chapter 2

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The UA entrance exams were approaching and you were on top of your game in making preparations. You had to make sure you were ready for both the practical and theory aspect of the exam. For the written exam, you studied things like hero laws - do's and don'ts, safety and rights of the citizens and of course your average school studies. For the average person, that is a lot of content to take in, but being the broad minded person you are, this was quite a simple task. As for the practical, you weren't very confident; you couldn't even throw a punch properly let alone cause any damage. What you were good at was more on the defence side as every now and then you'd get small defence lessons from your father based on what he was taught in the force. With the help of your quirk, you were really good at predicting and dodging attacks, of course it would only work if your opponent was human.

The day of the practical entrance exams arrived and things did not turn out as you'd hoped, but, why would the universe do you any favors? In fact, just to prove how much it hates you, it took exactly what you hoped not to happen and made it a hundred times worse.

"Robots!! We're fighting freaking ROBOTS!!!!!" you hadn't even realised how loud you said your comment as you even received a reply from Present Mic himself.

"You got that right, and depending on how much of these guys you bash, it'll determine your points," he said quite extravagantly as if there wasn't enough rain on your parade already. "Just try to avoid the zero pointers, they won't give you any points," he continued.

"But, that way I'm useless," you sighed to yourself, "There's no way I can stand a chance against a non-living opponent."

After a few moments of sulking when they dismissed you guys to get changed for the exam, you recalled seeing 'spiky hair' in the auditorium. You silently hoped that you'd be on different exam grounds as failing that hard in the presence of a former acquaintance couldn't be more embarrassing especially since he's got such an awesome quirk. Thankfully, the universe pulled you some slack this time around and saved you the shame.

The time to begin the exam had arrived and as the doors were waiting to open you realized you had just ten minutes to prove your worth and keep the promise you made to your mom. Even though it seemed impossible, it was now or never. The doors opened and you ran right on cue, you didn't plan on being left behind this early. You approached your first opponents or rather they approached you both coming from opposite directions. Your opponents were huge mechanized scraps of metal hence you couldn't predict their movements. The moment it looked as if they were about to attack, the only logical thing you could do was duck. By pure luck those 2-pointer robots destroyed themselves earning you a few points by default, hopefully they were enough to keep you in the game. You took a piece of debris left by one of the robots to help you with further difficulties.


"The students seem to be going all out this year," said the silhouette of a bear, dog or .....a mouse????? in a petit yet fitting voice while watching the students on a screen.

"Yes, but not everyone's all seems to be enough," said another but in a much more serious tone, "Take for example (L/N) (Y/N), she placed first in the written exam but has only managed to earn 12 points thus far and with less than 4 minutes on the clock she won't make it very far."

"Even so, if you have a look at her file you'll see she has a mind reading quirk - one not suitable for robots but could be much more useful in hand to hand combat, " a ravenette said in a monotone voice.

"Yes, that is true," agreed the now revealed to be white creature.

"Which is why I personally believe the practical exams are inaccurate and not suitable for every quirk," continued the ravenette, "And she's not the only one having difficulties due to a non-physical quirk in this exam."

Two Minds Are Better Than One (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader) *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now