Chapter 1

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Years back.....

"Well class, we have a new face joining our family today." You shyly revealed yourself from behind the teacher's legs, "Why don't you introduce yourself, " the kind lady smiled.

"Um...I'm... m-my name is (Y/N), (L/N) (Y/N)." A hopeful smile crept upon your lips as you hoped to be accepted, until.....

She looks pathetic. Ha! Another one to add to the list of people I'm better than.


"That's very mean!" you puffed, directly aiming at a certain ash blonde. You were not even two seconds into your introduction and someone was already dishing out insults towards you. Even after your sudden retaliation, the blonde seemed to only show confusion.

"Is there a problem (Y/N)? Why don't you take a seat."

"But....OK, " you sighed, justice can be served at another time.

Maybe she's crazy too......

You shot the blonde another silent glare but decided to let this comment slide for now.

Once recess arrived, you took it as your best opportunity to set things straight. Just because you're new doesn't mean you'll get bullied too! As soon as you had the impulsive blonde insight, you stormed right over to give him a piece of your mind.

"Hey, Spiky hair!!!!" You got his attention but it seemed that this was gonna be harder than it looked.

"I have a name you know, it's Bakugou Katsuki and I'm gonna be the number one hero!"

"Yeah, well my dad is one of the best police officers you'll ever see and my mom has a quirk so great that she had to give up being a hero just because of how powerful it is!!" you boasted, hoping your comment would make him quiver from how awesome you thought you sounded.

That's dumb, why would someone with a powerful quirk not want to be a hero?

"Hey!!, my mom's not dumb!!!!" you puffed.

"Wait, how did you....say that again?" the blonde said, first looking confused then more interested than ever.

"I said my mom's not dumb...."

So she has a mind reading quirk huh

"Huh!!!!!!! Quirk????!!! You mean you've been saying all those mean things in your head this whole time???!!!!?!!?!"

"Moron, which genius talks with their mouth closed, it's not like I intended for you to hear them you know."

"A....quirk," you whispered to yourself slightly in disbelief that this could be your quirk.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if you got your quirk cuz once I get mine I'll become even more better than you and I'll be an even more popular hero than you." Bakugou scoffed being as prideful of the person you thought him to be.

"Hero? I don't wanna be a hero, we already have a lot of those, I wanna be a police officer. I'll be as great as my dad you'll see.

"Tch, whatever," he said, now departing from the conversation the two of you'd been having.

Present Day

You were walking home from another tiring day of school, smoothing out the slight wrinkles left in your skirt - a small gesture to show that you've accomplished enough for one day.

"Sigh, why do I always have to be miss goody - two - shoes," you self scolded, "Is the word 'no' that hard to say!!! If I didn't agree to be the teachers' personal assistant I wouldn't be heading out this late," you complained as you briskly tried to make your way home before problem hour.
As you were nearing the route you would normally take to go home, you noticed practically half the city was heading in the same direction as you. In any normal scenario, that would mean danger and the safest thing to do would be to follow the crowd and run for your life, but, since you live in a reality that has a lot of heroes with flashy quirks the crowd would most likely be running towards the danger and not from it. In cases like this, your father always told you to avoid the commotion, but a real cop would go investigate the situation and ensure the safety of the citizens! The moment you convinced yourself to follow the crowd was the moment your doubt took over.

"But...I'd only get in the way, I wouldn't be of much help with such a weak quirk like mine...sigh I should just go home, my dinner is probably getting cold," your sense of excitement dropped as you decided to find an alternate route home.


"Mom, I'm home. Sorry for being late.....again, " you said as you shuffled out of your shoes at the door once you got inside. After a couple seconds upon entering the house, you noticed you hadn't received a reply from your mom. You silently stepped into the living room to investigate only to find your mom glued to the TV with no sign of moving, "Mom? Hello!!!" she averted her gaze from the TV to you.

"(Y/N)! Oh thank goodness. Because of all the commotion I was worried you wouldn't make it in time," (M/N) said as she gave you the hug any worried mom would give.

"No biggy, I just took another route home, it just took a lot longer than I expected, " you nervously chuckled then turned your gaze to the TV to see what you missed out on.

"Some kid was unfortunately taken hostage by a sludge villain, and it's giving the heroes a hard time," (M/N) stated as she filled you in. After talking a second to analyze what you were actually seeing on the news, you realized the boy being held hostage by the sludge villain looked awfully familiar; the spiky blonde hair, the aggressive attitude, it was almost like....

No way, it can't be

you silently thought to yourself.

"It's that guy  who I never even bothered to remember his name!!" you said still slightly in disbelief.

"Hmm, you know him ?" (M/N) asked.

" Yeah, from kindergarten I think."

"Well, there's no need to worry. He looks strong, besides, his quirk seems to be doing more damage than the actual villain and don't forget the pro heroes are on the job," she shot you a half hearted smile in the hopes of lifting your spirit. But hearing your mom's comment on the heroes, the question of her not becoming one despite having such a powerful quirk arose once more.

"Mom, why didn't you ever become a hero anyway?" you said with a mouth half-full of food as you'd already approached the dinner table to proceed your dinner.

"Honey, I've told you this once before," she said in an irritated tone.

"Well you besht reshtore my memory," you said with a cheeky smile.

"Well, as you already know my quirk 'Sonic scream' is not very suitable for the public's aid despite being powerful. I can only see it crumbling buildings and causing bleeding ears. It's the quirk of a villain, so I just left my hero dream all together."

"If that's the case, then what about present mic?"



"Well, his quirk amplifies the sound of his voice while mine increases the pitch of my scream to death defying levels."

"Nice save, " you stated blankly. After swallowing your last bite, you had an idea.

"Hey, how about I just become a hero for you "

"What? But didn't you want to be a police officer?"

"Hey I'm 14 years old, I have plenty of time in my life to do that later on. Plus, I don't think dad would allow me anyway AND besides, I know the best place to start, " you practically had stars in your eyes at this point.

"Really, where's that?" (M/N) asked as she was starting to get interested in your bargain.


A/N: Hi, it's my first time here and I hope I'm welcomed. Here's a trivia that I will be doing regularly to tell you things that you need to know but I don't necessarily put in the chapters. Trivia: 1) (Y/N)'s dad mentioned in this chapter is apart of the offence and defence in the police force. He has a quirk called Telekinesis which allows him to move any tangible object without physical contact. When shooting, his quirk gives him awesome precision. 2) (Y/N)'s mom used 'well ' to start off her dialogue 3 times closely behind each other lol.

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