Chapter 12

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As the game went on, 7 more minutes had passed, and you were able to carefully navigate your team away from grabby hands - you even managed to land an extra headband. This placed your team at 5th place according to the scoreboard; however, this achievement was soon short-lived. You noticed team Monoma from class 1-B planned to target your team next!

Ugh. I don't even know the guy, but I can already tell he's a major ass.

You eyerolled.

Hey guys! We have team Monoma approaching from the left.

You began as you alerted your team.

"Ok, I know what ta-" Mieko started as she smirked.

No wait- their rider has a copycat quirk. If you make the first move, you'll be at a disadvantage.

You explained,

I should also mention that their horse has some sort of shield-type quirk. He could put it up at anytime if he sees an attack coming!

You were unable to figure out the other guy's quirk right away as his thoughts weren't as self-centered as their rider, Monoma.

We need the element of surprise.

"Say no more," Mieko immediately understood what she had to do.

With your quirk, you made sure your other teammates were aware of what they had to do. You stayed put and pretended as if you didn't notice team Monoma was heading towards your team as you waited for them to get within range. They came closer and closer, burning their devious smiles into your sides. Then, when the moment was right, you pivoted on your left heel giving Mieko enough room to greet Monoma with a tight punch to face - grabbing one of his headbands in return.

"Argh-ah, my nose!!" Monoma yelped in pain.

"What's wrong?" Mieko scoffed, "I think it suits you quite well. A crooked nose to go with that crooked smile a yours."

Serves him right!😗

The points you earned didn't bring your score up much, but at least you got team Monoma off your tail.


With one minute left on the clock, things got ten times more intense. Team Todoroki and Midoriya and team Bakugo and Monoma were at each other's throats battling it out for the top spot. Meanwhile, your team was trying to break loose from Todoroki's ice - Yes, you saw it coming this time around as well, however, there wasn't much your team could do against Kaminari's widespread electricity attack.

Ugh, sometimes it really sucks to not have a physical quirk.

You thought as you struggled to escape from your ice prison.

The thing that shocked you the most (pun unintended lol) was that up until now, Shinso's team was at zero points before they only just shot up to 3rd place. Although, the fact that you understood exactly how his quirk worked, meant his speedy advancement shouldn't have surprised you at all.

"TIME UP!" you heard Present Mic announce when your team just barely escaped from the ice.

"Oh thank God," you released as you fell to your knees causing your formation break apart like an unstable house of cards.

"Ahh!!?!- *thud*" the rest of your teammates yelled in unison.

Of course, this took your teammates by surprise, but you were too busy shivering to your to core to care.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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