forty six

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Yeet yeet-


[Sol 345]|

“Today is the day, folks.” Jisung shouted from across the room, dragging a spacesuit over the floor. He was trying to get it into view of the camera.

In all honesty, Jisung looked okay.

His hair was short- less than a centimeter. But, on the bright side, it wasn't falling out anymore, and would grow back to its usual length by the time he got back to Earth.

If he got back to Earth, that is.

“So! We got a loT to do today. Chan and Changbin are about an hour away, and all I need to do is clean up and be ready to up and leave.”

He dropped the suit and brushed off his T shirt. A sigh escaped him, and he walked up and turned off the camera.

In order to achieve the necessary altitude, the makeshift shuttle he was using to get to his friends had to be as light as possible. The only thing that would be secured within it would be himself.

That meant, unfortunately, Jisung would be unable to take anything with him. It would all be there for future astronauts to view.

Jisung slid out of his shirt and baggy sweatpants, climbing into the small shower. At this point he was practically only skin and bone; over the past few months, he'd lost more than fifteen pounds off of his already slim frame.

The water came down cold, and Jisung gritted his teeth against the sudden rush of chills.

He hadn't showered in a while, and it was pretty needed by now. Especially if this was his last day there.

Jisung finished up hurriedly and tugged a shirt over his head, droplets of water still sliding down his neck due to his hastiness. He pulled on a pair of joggers and stumbled out into the main HAB area.

The shirt clung to him uncomfortably, but he ignored it in favor of much more important things- such as the spacesuit laying a few meters away, practically teasing him. He had to get ready to go.

He lurched towards it, as if he had to force his stubborn feet to walk away from the spot he was frozen in. Jisung gulped, fear finding its way into his eyes.

He really, really wanted to leave- of course he did- but it was hard. He was stepping into the unknown once again- and, that hadn't really worked out great for him then. He wouldn't be in this prediciment if it did.

Silently, Jisung slipped into the large suit. The normal, exploration ones were a lot lighter, and unfortunately this was not one of them. This was a big, bulky, white one- the kind seen on TV and such.

He stood up to his full height, stretching from within the box-like suit.

“This… sucks- who the heck thought this was a good idea- we should really update our suits.”

Jisung sighed and let his eyes scan over the entirety of the HAB within his sightline.

The beds were neatly made- a familiar stuffed animal nestled atop one of them- and everything was put away, apart from the very few things that Jisung would be bringing with him. The things were small enough to fit into the suit’s pockets. A tiny pocketknife that he'd scavenged from Chan's stuff, the Polaroid of that one trip for ice cream, a singular 3 by 5 index card, a cheap plastic American flag, and his handy dandy duct tape- of course.

He smiled sadly.

As much as he had begun to hate the place, it'd helped him survive for the past year, and he was unbelievably grateful.

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