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[Sol 31....|]

Loading the isotope into the back of the rover, Jisung felt his chills subside.

His assumption that it would warm him up had apparently been correct.

Climbing back into the driver's seat, Jisung started up the vehicle, pushing a small button to close the side door.

Remembering how the drive there had gone, he made sure to go much slower on the way back.

Although it did take longer, at least he made it to the HAB in one piece.

The rover's battery being significantly depleted, Jisung decided to head out to the satellite tomorrow.

Exhaustion pulled at every muscle in his body, despite having done minimal work that day.

The rover needed to recharge before he even considered taking it back out, which gave him time to do a small check-up on himself again.

A good sign, he supposed, was that his  bruising had gone down quite a lot, and the ribs weren't bothering him that much anymore. It would take a while for his concussion to fully heal, but there was nothing he could do about that.

Rest and relaxation was what he really needed.

And so, as he lay on Chan's bed- which just so happened to be the closest one- even more memories came back to him.

He was trying to stop them, he really was.

Forgetting would be easier than this torture. To have something you want more than anything, right there, but not really.

To have it be an illusion just out of reach.

Jisung squinted his eyes, pulling a blanket over him and trying to get comfy.

Maybe it wouldn't be as bad this time?

If he was being totally honest with himself, Jisung was glad he had the memories.

Smiling softly, he gave in and let his mind wander. Wander back to the past, to a much simpler time in the both of their lives.

Jisung was laying on his dorm room bed, lazily flipping through a space & physics book as his electric fan buzzed in the background.

The bordem was almost seeping through his skull, but what could he do?

As if to spice things up, hurried steps could be heard progressing down the hall outside his room.
A very frantic Minho rushed through the door, slamming it closed behind him.

Jisung looked up slowly, not particularly bothered. Minho tended to do this quite often, and one of the perks of being his friend was having to deal with it.

“What is it now, Minho?”

The male looked at him, eyes widened. His black hair was messy and unkempt, as though he'd been running his hands through it roughly.
It was so unlike his usual self.

Realizing that this might be a serious situation, Jisung sat up and closed his textbook.

“Jisung I-” He rubbed his face with his hands and whined.

Once Minho looked up helplessly, Jisung motioned to the space on the bed next to him and gave him a grin and a thumbs up.

Sitting down, Jisung's full attention on him, Minho cleared his throat.

Avoiding eye contact at all costs, Minho whispered out a sentence he never thought he'd say.

“Jisung, I think I'm gay.”

MY MARTIAN. minsungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt