twenty two

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“Good morning, sunshine!”

Jisung blinked groggily, wanting to swat away the obnoxious daylight that was filtering through the cracked blinds- directly into his squinted eyes.

He hissed, hands scrambling to protect his face from this vile intrusion at all costs.
“Sunshine is right! What the hell, Minho!”

The other, whom Jisung could not see (due to unforeseen circumstances, such as the blinding light), let out a somewhat evil giggle. He moved in front of Jisung's face, his shadow blocking the light.

Jisung let out a small sigh of relief, allowing himself fall back onto the bed in defeat.
Minho bent down, almost as if to stare Jisung into a good mood.

When he finally sat up, drool streaks and bed head galore, disoriented beyond belief, Minho started cheering.

“He’s awake! Welcome to the land of the living, Sungie.”
A fond smile was placed upon Minho's lips, as he leaned down again to peck his cheek lightly, reading glasses brushing the Jisung's bangs as he did so.

Jisung groaned, pushing Minho off of him half-heartedly. “It's too early for this, ho.”

The older leapt back, acting offended in an overly dramatic sort of way. “It's fine,” he said, wiping away a nonexistent tear, “I see how it is. I know when I'm not wanted. Goodbye, dear friend-”

Minho slunk out of the room, his obnoxiously fake sad tone of voice ringing down their tiny hallways.
Barely a second later, Minho stuck his head back in, a serious expression painted on his face.

“No but really, get up please. It's 11am, and I'm starving and you're gonna be late to class if you don't start on breakfast soon. Toodles~”

He slipped out of the doorway just as Jisung emitted an aggrieved noise, something between a shout and a groan. Hearing this, Minho couldn't hold back a grin. He really did feel like the luckiest man alive.

Minho walked back over to his spot at their small kitchen table, sitting down and adjusting his glasses. His novel was open, about a third of the way through the entire thing.

It was definitely one of his favorites, and anyone could tell so, just by glimpsing the state of the outer cover.

Sinking into the book once again, Minho tuned out the surrounding world.
He was so out of it that he barely even heard Jisung approach from behind.

At least, not until Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck, leaning over and planting a sloppy smooch on the side of his face. Jisung sighed, letting his head drop onto Minho's shoulder.

“Whatcha readin’, babe?”

Minho hummed, turning a page. “You really should know by now, honestly.”

“I know, I know..”
Jisung giggled quietly, simply trying to relish Minho's warmth and comforting scent before having to leave to classes.

“Oh shush," he glanced at Jisung's watch, fastened around his wrist, which was now resting on his chest.  "You're going to be late, Sung-”

“Holy- you're right, gotta go, love ya, be safe, wear your seatbelt, don't die, did I say love you? Cuz I love you, bye-”

Jisung ruffled Minho's hair hastily, and practically ran out the door, not even bothering to close it behind him. It wasn't until Minho got up to shut it for him, about a second later, that he realized something.

Something of high importance.

“Hey! You forgot to make me food!” He yelled down the empty hallway, Jisung having sprinted out of there already.

There would definitely be noise complaints from their sleep deprived neighbors, but it was okay. After all, Minho had his own complaints to voice.

And Jisung would definitely be hearing from him about this as soon as he got back.


We have more Minsung relationship background 👏👏👏 we stan


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K ily be safe bye

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