forty one

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[Back on Earth…]

“Hey, Felix!” Hyunjin called out when he spotted the Australian walking down the hallway. “How's your day goi-”

IIIRacha Mission Manager Lee Felix, please report to meeting room #2 immediately.”

The loudspeaker’s monotonous announcement cut Hyunjin off, and once Felix heard it, he knew what was going on. He shot a sad smile at his friend as he walked past. “It's great, now.”

And it really was. If this emergency meeting was what he thought it was, then his team had succeeded.

Felix shuffled into the office, taking a seat at the far end of the long table. His hands were curled in his pockets, and it was all he could do to keep the smug smirk off his face as JYP and Woojin glowered at him.

It made him feel like he was back in highschool again, misbehaving to have his parents focus on something else besides who he was attracted to.
But, this time, he did it to help someone else besides himself.

He was the youngest person in charge of a crew at NASA, and had worked hard to get to such a position. However, he didn't even have to think before he threw all of that away for the good of his friend on Mars.

“Felix, do you know why you were called here?” Woojin stood a little further back than the head of NASA, and his voice felt strained as he practically interrogated his friend.

“I haven't the faintest clue.” Felix said in a light tone, adding an innocent shrug for effect.

This caused JYP to raise his eyebrows, glancing back at Woojin. “Really now? Well that's interesting; care to enlighten him, Mr. Kim?”

“Well… IIIRacha isn't slowing down for their descent to Earth.. and we received a transmission from them, stating that they were going to get Jisung-”

“And how would they even know that Jisung was still alive on Mars, Mr. Lee?” JYP took a seat next to him, folding his hands together in mock politeness.

“Security leak?” Felix suggested, still keeping with his innocent act despite knowing that he was already busted.

“Mmmhmm. Now, there were only a select group of people in that meeting, and only one of them seemed overly inclined to keep their team in the loop of things.”

Felix closed his eyes slowly, taking a deep breath. “Are you wanting me to deny that it was me? Because I'm sorry, but I can't do that. And I won't apologise for what I did either. I'd do it again.” He heard a sharp intake of breath from the area where Woojin had been, and assumed that his confession just sealed his fate.

“Do you have any idea what you've done?”

Felix blinked his eyes open and sat up straight. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and copied the head of NASA’s stance. “Yes I do, sir. I've just saved the life of one of my best friends. I would do the same for anyone else.”

“This is mutiny, that's what it is! You were sworn to secrecy, Mr. Lee. There was a high chance of killing one person versus a low chance of killing three. You had no right to make the decision!”

“I didn't. They did.” Felix nodded calmly to the TV on the other side of the conference room, displaying the profiles of all the members of IIIRacha.

“I told you they would go back in a heartbeat if it meant no one got left behind.” Felix stood up to leave. “Maybe you should get to know your own Astronauts better….sir.” He muttered as he whisked past the head of the company.

Just before he pushed out the door, Felix heard from his boss, “By the end of this mission, I expect to have your formal letter of resignation, Mr. Lee.”

To his own surprise, a huge smile stretched across his face at this. “You got it, sir!”


Excuse my language, but Felix is lowkey a badass ooP-

In other news, I saw a dude @ the beach earlier who looked exactly like a younger version of JYP skskskskks is he cloning himSeLf now too¿

Dnsksksjskska byE

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