thirty six

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[Sol 111]|

“One thing I could do is put this suit on, and go back there.” It was now the light of day, and Jisung could see the full extent of the damage.

The airlock lay about twenty feet away from the HAB. It really was a miracle that it didn't hit any of the equipment that Jisung was using to talk to NASA.

“So, this is Sol 1 of rover life, I guess. I didn't sleep… at all last night. Who would be able to sleep after being yeeted out of their house by their house? I mean, seriously.” He backed up a bit out of view of the rover's camera in order to pull on the other suit. Once he was all ready- apart from his helmet, he approached the webcam again.

“I got a response from NASA. Just a lot of fancy talk for 'lol succs to be u ig’ and 'there’s literally nothing we can do to help’, which, I suppose can also be code for 'lol succs to succ'.”

Jisung reached back for his new helmet and held it on his lap, giving the camera a persisting smile, full of determination. “So it looks like I'm on my own for now. But… that's okay, because really, that's what I've been doing all along, and I've survived this long, haven't I?”

He pulled the helmet on, twisting it into place. “Let's do this.” Jisung offered the camera a gloved thumbs up, and climbed out of the rover.

His first thing to do would to be sealing the huge hole in the side of the HAB. He could do this with some of the materials he'd used to build the greenhouse and duct tape them securely over the gap.

Jisung walked hesitantly over to the opening, gripping the rough edges in order to help him clamber through. His hands were shaking, visible even though the thick material of his suit’s gloves.

He slunk through the remnants of his life for the past few months, trying not to cringe at the dismal sight. Once Jisung got to the greenhouse room, he tried his best not to look at the plants- his one triumph in the face of his menacing odds- and focused everything on tearing down the masterpiece he'd shed blood, sweat, and tears over.
[Welcome, BTS references]

Armed with the thick plastic, Jisung hurried back over to the aperture in the HAB’s usually seamless walls. The majority of the next hour was filled with duct tape struggles and silent mourning, as no sounds resounded in the now dead looking living space.
Normally, the quiet wasn't something that bothered him, but now it tore through his eardrums, echoing louder than sound itself. All it did was remind him even more of how he was completely and painfully alone.

Jisung wrapped up his work in patching the hole, and took a step back to admire his work. Not too shabby.

Duct tape was securing the tarp-like material across the great divide, hopefully making the HAB airtight again.
There was only one way to find out, and that was by repressurizing the survival habitat. A few flicks of a switch and a couple of buttons later, the blockade that he'd managed to macgyver was holding steady. In a few days, the HAB would theoretically be suitable to live in again.

Until then, Jisung would be camped out in the rover. Knowing this, he scrambled around the mussed-up area, foraging for supplies he would need.

He grabbed his tablet, Gyu, the blankets off his bed, and more. He even went as far as to raid the kitchen for any leftover junk food, wanting to alleviate some of the stress.

Life in the rover would be somewhat different, but he could adapt. Jisung was good at that.


Does anyone still care about this story 😂

Y'all should watch the show on Netflix called Limitless
It is: so good. I am obsessed.

Also it's nice to have playing in the background as I write,,,,


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