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Oh boy 😓


The day was just like any other.

At 5:15 his alarm went off for the third time, screaming at him to wake up.

Slamming on the snooze button for the third time that morning, he got up, got a cup of coffee and had a mini existential crisis.

Just like every day.

He sipped his coffee and remembered a happier time in his life. When any hugs he wanted were only feet away, instead of what seemed like miles.

He sighed and settled for drinking his coffee and muting his bothersome thoughts.

There was just over an hour until he had to be in for work, and he really didn't feel like going in early.

Maybe he just wanted to walk around his lonely apartment in only his sweatpants for a little longer. Maybe not. He hardly knew what he wanted anymore.

The last thing he really, truly wanted had departed from Earth over seven months ago. Closer to eight or nine now.

Not that he'd been counting or anything.

Making his way to the bathroom to wash up, he heard his phone ringing from the other room.

The man took his sweet time getting to it, and somehow managed to catch it on the fifth and final tone.

"What?" He snapped harshly into the speaker, holding it up to his ear.

"Minho-" The voice of his... friend and colleague, Hwang Hyunjin, rushed through the phone.
"We need you to come to work. Early. Right now."

Minho rolled his eyes, fully aware that Hyunjin couldn't see him.

"I don't have to go in for another hour, Hwang."

Hyunjin sighed. Minho smiled.

Annoying his friends had somewhat become a habit of his recently. It brought him joy.

Especially when he messed with Hyunjin. They'd somewhat had a fling like thing about seven months ago.
Right around the time after Jisung had flown out of his life.

It was a weird, awful, and probably the darkest time in Minho's life. He had needed a distraction, and Hyunjin was just there.

Unlike all of those cliché as heck books that Minho knows exist, there really were no strings attached.

They weren't right for each other, and both of them knew that.

"Woojin needs you, dude. Haven't you heard about the astronaut stuck on Mars? Without a crew."

There was a change in Hyunjin's voice.

Minho heard it. It was softer, almost as if he was treading on eggshells, or thin ice.

Minho had practically cut himself off from everything.

He only had his phone.

TV? Jisung liked it, not him. Radio? Same issue.

None of his colleagues would tell him anything either. Recently, they'd been avoiding eye contact with him for some reason that he didn't know.
He just buried himself more into his work.

Honestly, what use did he have for such acquaintances anyways?

"No...wait- did you say on Mars?"

Hyunjin sucked in a breath on the other side of the phone. "...yes."

"Who is it?"

As far as Minho knew, there was only one mission going on at Mars right now. Jisung's. IIIRacha.

MY MARTIAN. minsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz