Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


3:00 Am

When Kristen asked about my whereabouts , I told her that I got tied down into my work . She believed me , but didn't hesitate to ask if Savvyn came along. I know shes suspicious , but she really has no need to be. I love her and not Savvyn.


I got out of bed quietly , careful to not wake Kristen. I stretched and went out the bedroom and down the hall to my art room. I flipped the light switch on and examined my paintings. Some finished , some unfinished. I walked over to my bookshelf and picked up my sketchbook. Took a seat on my couch and got comfortable . I began to sketch my feelings out onto the page.

I envisioned her beautiful face



Everything about her , almost like a lullaby , eventually led me to fall into a sweet slumber.

1:15 PM


There wasn't much work to do in the office today. Plus it was raining, which gave me a dreary chill vibe. So I just relaxed in my work space , and watched TV. I went into my small fridge and saw that I ran out of water. I left my office and headed to the lounge to grab a new case of water. Once there I grabbed my case and started heading back , until I heard sobs coming from the utility closet. I backtracked and pressed my ear against the door. I heard sniffling and more soft sobbing. I opened the door and flipped on the light switch. It was Trisha , on the floor , looking a horrible mess. Mascara was running down her face, and her eyes were swollen , bloodshot red.

"Whats wrong?"

"You haven't heard?" she asked sniffling .

"Heard what?" A couple of tears began to fall.

"M-my grandmother is dead." She started to cry a little harder. It did pain me to know that her grandmother died. She lived next door to me , and she's the one that got Trisha this job. I watched as Trisha cried.. Im not the type to comfort someone , so I felt a little awkward.
I helped her off the floor and got her some tissue.

"Would you like for me to drive you home?" I offered.

"If you don't mind..." She finally wiped the runny mascara from her face. I locked up my office and waited for Trisha in my car outside. The rain stopped but, theres no doubt that it will start back up again. After a few minutes she came back out towards the car. She got inside and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I cranked my car and started driving towards Trisha's home.

"Can you , not drop me off there? Its still hard for me to be there alone without her. " I nodded , and changed courses.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Could you drop me off at Marty's ? " Marty's is a small restaurant on the outskirts of LA. Why would she want to go there?

Unfortunately.We were caught in midday traffic. Which could possibly take hours to get out of.

"If you don't mind me asking... How did she die?"

"... Last night she kept calling me and leaving voicemails. I wouldn't answer, until I got home this morning and ... I found her laying down on the couch with the phone in her hand. I tried to wake her but she wouldn't move. When I checked her pulse, she wasn't breathing... I panicked and called the ambulance but, it was already too late... They took her body in for an autopsy and I won't be able to know the cause of death until next week. " Tears flowed down from her eyes freely. Till she completely broke down again .

"Damn! How could I be so stupid ?!" she cried out , wiping her eyes with some tissue.

"Don't blame yourself for this Trisha.. You didn't know-"

"I should have known Rayan! I should've known !"

"Trisha you cant keep beating yourself up about this -"

"I should've just left Trevor's house when she kept calling. ..I should've left to check up on her..." she started to calm down some. Traffic was moving a little but I still wasn't able to comfort her.

"I'm sorry about your grandmother.. but you have to stop crying. It's only going to make things worse on yourself... You have to be stronger than this Trisha."

"...Maybe your right Rayan. " She wiped her eyes some more and sniffled.

Traffic started to speed up normally again, and I was able to get her to Marty's.

"Thanks for everything Rayan. " She grabbed her purse and got herself together before leaving the car. Then she reached and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and walked her inside the restaurant.

"I hope you don't mind if I don't come to work tomorrow. I'm just not myself right now."

"I understand.. take as long as you need."

"Thank you Rayan." she stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek gently. Usually I would have to shrug her off of me but , for the first time , its just a friendly goodbye .

While driving back into LA , it hit me. She was at Trevor's house last night? I don't want to say anything to Savvyn , it is something she should know about. I shouldn't and I won't be the one to tell her that.
Once I got back to the office , I walked inside to the front desk computer and started looking at the schedule for the week. I needed a replacement to take Trisha's shift on my floor. But the feeling of someone watching me came up again. I looked up from the computer and glanced around the room. There was someone walking into the area , in an all black attire . He watched me the whole time as he walked around the desk and out the front door. That was random. Its something about that menacing stare, I just can't put my finger on it.

I pushed the thought away and kept looking through the schedule.


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