Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

6:00 PM


Beautiful... So beautiful.

Why did I Leave her ?

I was at the car shop getting the car fixed up before I got home. The mechanics said it wouldn't take long. So I decided to wait in the wait area. Ive been waiting for about 2 and a half hours now. So much for not taking long. I couldn't stop thinking about Savvyn. Shes changed I mean we're older now but , shes so different now. I guess I understood how she didn't want to meet up with me later . I hurt her and she's probably still hurting. When I saw her, I just wanted to hold her and kiss her . I know it'll never be that easy again..

"Lopez , your car is ready." The mechanic tapped my shoulder . I got up from the chair and went back outside into the hot summer heat. I saw my black benz in front of me, shining as bright as ever. Looking like nothing ever happened to it. I payed off the repairs and drove on home . Once I arrived home , I went upstairs to a sleeping Kristen. I climbed in bed quietly , trying not to make too much movement. I laid next to her sleeping body and moved some stray strands of hair from her face. Savvyn might've been right with her response, Im with Kristen and I love her. And if fate wanted Savvyn and I together, wouldn't we be together already? I shrugged the thought away and paid attention to the TV.

"Your back." Kristen yawned , waking up . Wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Yeah Sav--- Sad that I couldn't make it back sooner." I smirked slightly. That would've been my ass if I couldn't find a better save.

" You got that right... I have to get ready for work ." She kissed my cheek and got up to get dressed.

"What took you so long anyway?" she asked.

" Someone ran into the back of my car & I had got the damages fixed. " I said.

" Are you okay?! Who did it? " She asked frantic , running over to me , cupping my face.

"Im fine & They drove off too fast, before I could see who it was..besides , my car wasn't hit too bad... ."I lied. Im not telling her Savvyn hit it and I let her get her away with it. She'll have a fit. Who wouldn't?

" As long as your okay. Thats all that matters." She then started kissing me . Which led into more than what it should be.

" You don't mind being late for work?" I asked. Pulling her panties off.

" Nope. I have time for a quickie" She brought me down , kissing me.

7:25 PM


I fixed my makeup before we stepped out the car.

" How do I look?" I asked Trevor . Who just parked the car.

"Stunning." He smiled about to kiss me.

" No.. No no ." I pushed his face away , with my free hand , grabbing my purse out the car with the other .

" No kiss?!" He asked. I closed the car door.

"Your not messing up my makeup. " I said , flipping my hair over my shoulders. He smacked his teeth, I giggled .We started walking towards the building.

"When we get home .... Imma tear that ass up." He said in his low seductive voice , stealing a quick kiss . I blushed.

We walked inside the venue. Having to walk on the red carpet before we got the ballroom , photographers were plastered into the center separated by a red rope , taking photographs of other players. Some were single , others weren't. I got extremely nervous. I always did when it came to these type things. Trevor grasped my hand and led me out onto the carpet where our pictures would be taken. We stood smiling taking our pictures. Then we kept walking. We walked into the ballroom and took our seats. The scene was pretty . It wasn't too much press like the press conferences. White circular tables , high ceilings with beautiful chandeliers , marble floors. Everyone was dressed nicely. As I was gazing across the crowd I saw a familiar face .

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