Chapter 20 1/2

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Chapter 20 1/2


"Wow , I can't believe he's about to be a father. " Jeffrey said.

"Who?" I asked. Him and Claire shared a look.

"Trevor." my breathing hitched for a quick second , I almost got upset. Almost.

"Good for him."

"Really? I know your anger is boiling like the pits of hell right now." Jeffrey joked. I laughed.

"No , I really don't care anymore. Thats his business." I continued typing on my laptop.

"Im proud of you girl . Your finally over him."

"Thank you , but can you tell me how this looks now?" I stepped back away from the mannequin revealing the final product of Kai's reception dress.

"Oh my God , that is amazing . You really have skill girl !" Jeffrey gawked.

"Yeah , It looks so. Stable." Claire added, my eyebrow rose.

"Stable?" I laughed .

"Yeah I mean , some designers , everything looks good on paper but , when they actually make it , it looks like shit. But yours look exactly like the sketching. "

"And its soft too , what did you use?"

"Mostly Satin and Chiffon"

"Mmph , okay, Ms. Creative."

"Thanks, but are y'all ready to go ?"

"I don't know why your asking us this and you know good and damn well your not eating lunch with us ." Claire grabbed her bag and followed me and Jeffrey out the room.

"Actually I am. Rayan is in court and I would feel lonely eating by myself."

"We aren't optional , you know you missed us !" I laughed .

"Yeah , I did miss you guys."

We hopped on the elevator and went down to the first floor. Once we hit the first floor , we walked off the elevator and began towards the front door. But someone had grabbed my shoulder.

"Savvyn." I turned around seeing that guy that was out Rayan's house the other day.

"Uh , yeah ?" Jeffrey and Claire had stopped too.

"Can you give Rayan this? Its important." He looked at me up and down licking his lips. I was disgusted.

"Sure, your Ty. Right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He grinned , I let out a breathy laugh.

"Okay . well yeah , Ill give this to him."

"Alright , see you soon, Savvyn." The way he said my name gave me a chill , in a bad way. I hated that even looked at me . He really freaks me out.

"What the hell was that all about ? " Claire asked. I shrugged.

"Just as clueless as you are."


I didn't realize how publicized this case was. I knew it was all over the news but , its really been blown up. When I walked in , there was press everywhere .

"Mr. Lopez what are your thoughts on the case?!"

"Lopez, how close were you and the victim?!"

"How do you feel about being pinned for the murder of Angelo Briggs?!?!"

Everything sounded like a buzz. As my lawyer advised. I kept quiet outside and inside the courtroom. I let my lawyer do all the talking. Besides they haven't found any murder weapons or evidence . I really covered this up well. I still feel like I might've missed a step though. I hope Im wrong and Im completely clear.I felt sort of notorious as well, being able to commit a crime and not getting caught is pretty amazing to me. Especially since Ive always been told that I'm incompetent and a waste of time. Now Im at the top of my game. A multimillionaire , and I committed the perfect crime.

After the trial , I'm considered innocent but I know everyone is suspicious. I know I should take the case seriously , but I honestly couldn't . A lot of other things were occupying my mind. Apparently Trisha is pregnant and she's been throwing me obvious hints at the office that I could be the possible father to her child. It irritates me that me and Savvyn's ex is in this same situation. I feel terrible for doing that to her. But yet I shouldn't because we haven't even made it official yet.After trial , I went to work to finish up some things and then I went home. I was very tired for some reason. But yet I couldn't sleep . Around 8 Savvyn came home.

"Hey Ray." She walked towards me, pecking my lips. She went upstairs to get settled in, then came back downstairs . She took her seat beside me and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Your friend came by my job today." she said.

"Who ?"

"Ty.." she handed me a envelope. What was he doing there , how does he even know where she works?

I opened the envelope. Seeing pictures of me and Trisha at the office a few weeks ago. It was pictures of us having sex in my office. How and the hell did he do that?

" Whats in the envelope ?" She sat up . I put the pictures back inside the envelope and tucked it under my leg.

"N-nothing. " I said. taking a deep breath. She rose her eyebrow , smirking.

."Okay well , I've been thinking ." she said grabbing my hand and interlocking her fingers with mine.

"What you've been thinking about?" I pulled her closer toward me.

"I think we should give us another try. " she said , I smirked. and she smiled coyly. I kissed her lips softly and I nodded my head.

" We should."

" Okay ." She bit her bottom lip and let go of my hand , laying back into my chest. Once she focused her attention back onto the tv I pulled the pictures out again. And there was a sticky note on the last picture. 'Wouldn't it be sad if Savvyn walked in on this love fest? I got heated. Ty really isn't shit for this. I folded the pictures up in the envelope and put it in my pocket. Now I really have to start watching my back , I knew he was up to no good.

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