Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Its been years and I still feel horrible for double-crossing Rayan. He was a good friend of mine and I completely threw him in the water .
I left my security room and headed downstairs , to Elizabeth.

"What the hell do you mean you lost her?! " She was arguing on the phone with someone.
I sat on my couch , turning on the television to the local news station.

Ever since I've been here , life has been so good to me . But it's time everything comes to the light . I'm so sick of working in this cartel. Sure, I have money , a big house . But it doesn't mean anything if you have no one to share it with , or friends to cherish. Sure , they're escorts but , they are only temporary until I get tired of them. All the friends I have now , they only use me to their benefit. I miss my real friends , even though they think I'm long gone . They've probably even forgotton me.

"Bad news." Elizabeth plopped on the couch next to me.

"Which is ?"

"Kevin couldn't catch Savvyn , he said someone attacked him and he thinks it was Damon." Damon ruined my whole life.

"How does he know it was Damon?"

"He said he saw his face , and spotted him a few times afterward.. but at least we know for sure that he is in the Los Angeles area. "

"Why won't he bring him here? I'll kill him myself."

"Not yet , we want him to suffer first for disobeying my orders , don't worry , you'll get to handle him last." she massaged my shoulders and kissed my temple lightly.

I want to make sure that Damon suffers terribly for ruining my life , and if I can't get to him , I'll get his daughter.


I had on a oversized t-shirt with boy shorts and , I was cuddling in with Rayan while watching a whole season of American Horror Story. Call it boring or lame, whatever you want, but I was truly happy for once in a while.

"You were right Ray.." I said out of the blue.

"Right about what?"

"My dad is alive, he saved me last night from being kidnapped." His eyes widened.

"Kidnapped?" he chuckled

"Yes! Some guy attacked me and drugged me. " his laughter died down some.

"You're serious?"

"Why would I lie about that ?" he shrugged , picking up his cup of water.

"It's just a hard idea to imagine that you recovered so quickly from something like that..."

"Well , it happened and it happened to me the other night."

"How did you know that it was your dad who saved you?"

"I woke up at his hide away. He's hiding out from Elizabeth." I wonder what my life would've been like if they never got involved with drugs...
My phone vibrated once again, Trevor was blowing my phone up. But I wont answer.

"Your going to have to talk about it with him at one point."

"I don't want to. I never want to see him again."


"Yes, really. " he took a deep breath and embraced me a little tighter

"I know you still love him Sav. And at one point , both of you are going to need some type of closure."


I can't believe she left me. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet. Trisha slithered her arms around me.

"Are you okay?" she asked . I felt disgusted with myself , and her. I pushed her off and took a long chug of my whiskey.

"Get out of here Trisha."

"Well , what did I do?" she scoffed , crossing her arms and leaned against the kitchen countertop.

"I wish I never met you." I growled , walking right past her.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, obviously hurt.

"Everything was perfect until you came into the picture." It took years for me to gain Savvyn's full trust. Who knows if I'll ever see her again. I pulled out my phone and tried calling again, but I was sent straight to voicemail.

"I don't know why you keep calling her." She started laughing. It frustrated me to even look at her.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, knocking the silly smirk off of her face.

"You need me , and whether you know it or not , we need each other." She touched my back but I shoved her away, walking to the front door.

"Leave Trisha."

"Why are you acting like this?!" She asked, completely appalled. She was making me angrier by not leaving.

"I shouldve done this a long time ago, just leave." I said as calmly as I could. She grabbed her things and glared at me one last time before walking out the door. I closed it behind her and , I sat on the couch , staring at the wall. Savvyn was right the whole time. I shouldve listened .
Now its my responsibility to make things right.

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