"We'll be back later. You think of a plan, we'll help you succeed. If you're not going to class, at least do something useful with your day." Chloe gave her a small smile.

"Good luck." Amy called out as she walked out of the room. Beca and Chloe followed close behind her, hand in hand.

Stacie collapsed on her bed as her mind went into overdrive thinking about the conversation that just took place. She liked the girls idea of doing something big to win Aubrey back, but what in the hell could she do that would be big enough to fix her royal fuck up?


"Are you sure this was a good idea?" Stacie nervously asked Amy.

"Mate, we've spent all week planning this out. You're not going to back out last minute. Anyways, it's a great idea and I'm actually surprised you came up with it…no offense." She smirked.

"Yeah it surprised me too so none taken." Stacie sighed. "Are the rest of the girls almost here?"

"Yes, Chloe had just text me. They're already here and just parking. I'm surprised you convinced all these girls to help you. I mean we all love Aubrey, but she wasn't exactly the easiest to work with back in the day." Amy sighed.

"Well it took a bit of bribing and lots of practising, but I think we're good to go."

"I hope so because your girl just showed up and she's not alone." Amy peaked outside of the curtain and gestured for Stacie to come look.

"Shit, she brought him? Fuck this isn't going to work, this was such a bad idea and…" Stacie was cut off when she felt a hand grab her shoulder from behind. She turned around and faced Chloe, who was calmly smiling at her.

"You'll be fine, stop being nervous. Do the best you can and if it doesn't work then at least you can say you tried your best." Chloe grabbed the other woman and tightly hugged her. "We'll be on the side cheering you on, okay?" Chloe gestured to behind her where Beca was standing and smiling.

"I have faith in you, Stace. You're Stacie fucking Conrad, are you really going to let tiny nerves beat you?" Beca attempted to pump the other woman up.

"Thanks Becs that means a lot coming from you," Stacie smirked. "You're right though. What am I getting nervous over? I'm going to go out there and own this shit!" Stacie breathed out.

"Okay, we'll see you later." Chloe patted Stacie on the back. "Good luck." Chloe and Beca both walked to the side of the stage leaving Stacie and Amy standing there alone.

Amy went to speak up but before she could five other girls walked into the room and happily greeted both women.

"Ladies, are you ready to rock this?' Amy asked. Everyone nodded and looked over at Stacie. "Aubrey has no idea why she's here. All I told her was that I was putting something special together and needed her opinion. So let's just go out there and do this, okay?" Amy asked.

Stacie nodded and grabbed a mic. She looked back at the other girl's and took a deep breath. She then looked over at Chloe and Beca whom without a word pulled the curtains on the stage wide open.

Aubrey's attention was immediately brought to the front stage where she saw Stacie standing there with six other girl's behind her. Before Aubrey could even think of reacting the girls began making music with their mouths. A familiar beat ran through Aubrey's ears as her wide eyes focused of Stacie who opened her mouth and started the lyrics to 'Over and over' by Nelly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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