Chapter 65 - Heartbeat

Start from the beginning

After a few minutes she tweaks it a little, moving it around a little to a certain spot where she can hear very lightly a small thumping coming through. "Shh, wait babe hear it" the room goes silent as they both listen closely and it can be heard, but quietly. "It's there Negan i can hear it" a tear falls from Jack's eye as she can briefly hear her babies heartbeat.

"Holy shit, i can fuckin' actually hear it" he exclaims and he is happy, this is real his baby can be heard for the first time it brings a smile to both of their faces. "Wow, it's real Jack our baby is in there i mean fuck this is amazing" she cries over how happy he is never did she ever think she would see Negan cry but this means a lot to her that he is so in love with this child already. Jack sits up and turns off the doppler.

"That was so fucking cool, our little bean in here" Jack rubs her abdomen soothingly as she lays back down on her back. Negan lays down beside her, holding her close. "Goddamn it" he curses under his breath as he shifts on the bed to sit up.

"What's wrong?" Jack notices his sudden change in behavior and he wants to tell her. "You can tell me anything babe, i'm here" she rubs his shoulders.

"It's Gavin still haven't heard anything, i got to send a fucking team out now, and fuck i forgot i sent Simon to the junkyard he hasn't come back yet either it's getting fucking late now"

"Sorry baby, i'm sure he is on his way back now and i bet Gavin is fine too probably just got held up with some shit" Jack says trying to make the situation a little less tense but she can tell that Negan is a little on edge and that makes her worry.

"I should go out and check things out make sure this team gets on there way, i want you to stay here and relax okay, i will be back later for dinner" Negan gets off the bed and picks up his jacket zipping it up and he grabs his Lucille. "Take it easy baby, take a bath and relax yourself just keep the door locked okay?"

"I'll be fine babe, i love you" Jack watches as he opens the door and she stands up to kiss him and locks the door behind him.

"Love you to" he says and walks down the hall. Jack takes this alone time to soak in the bath to relax her sore muscles, after she gets out her stomach growls so she gets dressed, but as she gets dressed the door creeps open and she thinks it's Negan but she turns around and looks at the figure. She can't believe her eyes as to who it is, Kyle. He broke the door open, busted the lock.

Negan heads out the double doors and he orders the team to head out to find Gavin at Kingdom. He waits and observes around the yard but sees that Simon is back, pulling into the yard in his truck. He comes to a stop and he walks down to meet him as he gets out of the truck.

"Got it done?" Negan asks Simon as he walks past him casually.

"That and then some, you good"

"Nothing on Gavin yet" Negan speaks out as they head to the back of the truck.

"Want me to turn back around, roll out and end the mystery"

"I already sent a team out there"

"Ah, well i'm sure he is a okay if not then we can send another message, so what about you everything good with Jack how does she feel today?"

"She's good, heard the heartbeat with that little fucking machine thing she got and let me tell you best thing i have ever fucking heard, there is no feeling better than hearing that little thumping" Negan says seriously but he is also happy about it too.

"Great that's some good news"

"So, tell me how it went with the garbage people?"

"Standard message and delivery. Showed 'em and told 'em" he sniffs, trying to act cool and collected. "There was remorse and lots of it too" the two men are interupted by another man calling out to Negan.

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