Ch. 20: Backup

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Everyone in the DEO was on high alert. Supergirl was now an enemy and were trying to track her and Imra. Alex was barking orders and she was furious. Imra had taken out their satellite and all the technicians were trying to bring it back online. Winn was with Brainy trying to develop a cure for Kara. Brainy found out that Imra had used Skye's blood like Red Kryptonite and twisted Kara's mind. Suddenly, a breach opened in the DEO. The Legends, Team Flash and Team Arrow all came through it. Alex, J'ohn, and Mon-El all ran up to them.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice." J'ohn said.

"Of course, J'ohn." Barry said.

"What happened?" Oliver asked. Alex, J'ohn and Mon-El all looked at each other in regret before Mon-El stepped forward.

"It's Kara."

After Mon-El had briefed all the teams on what had happened, Matthew went looking for Skye. He found her training. A more accurate term would be that she was punching everything in the room. Skye flipped and used a roundhouse kick to take out 5 dummies.

"I bet those moves are going to be useful later." Skye spun around and Matthew was taken aback. She had tear stains on her face. She looked exhausted and her knuckles were red. Even for her since she was indestructible. "Mon-El told us what happened. I'm so sorry." Skye walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. Matthew did the same and rubbed her back. She let out a sob as Matthew whispered, "It's okay. I'm here." She let out another sob. "It's gonna be okay." The two heroes just stayed there, holding each other and refusing to let go. Mentally preparing themselves for what might come.


Matthew and Skye joined the rest of the heroes in Winn's lab.

"Are you okay?" Felicity asked Skye.

"I'll be better once Imra is defeated." Skye said.

"I think we might have a way to do that." Winn said.

"How?" Mon-El asked.

"So, not only did Imra use Skye's blood to manipulate Kara's mind. She used it like a mind control device and Imra is the controller. She uses her powers to twist her memories and thoughts."

"Imra said she couldn't mind control anyone." Mon-El said, "She lied again."

"Not surprised." Skye remarked.

"If we cut off Imra's connection to Kara." Winn continued, "The blood in her will be useless."

"How do we do that?" Zari asked.

"With me." The groups turned around to see Nia Nal in her Dreamer uniform along with James with his Guardian outfit. Lena was with them as well.

"Thank you for coming." Brainy said. Nia and Brainy hugged as Mon-El cleared his throat and asked,

"Who's this?"

"Ah. Mon-El, this is my fiancée, Nia Nal." Mon-El's eyes widened as Skye hugged Nia.

"It's good to see you." Skye told her.

"You too." Nia said back.

"Your fiancée?" Winn questioned.

"Yes." Nia said as she took Brainy's hand, "I've been with my family for the past couple of months as their protector. Now I'm here to help."

"And so are we." James said, speaking for him and Lena.

"I thought you were retired." J'ohn said.

"Retirement. Never heard of it." With a smirk, everyone was told the plan.

"What are we going to do with Imra once we've defeated her?" Oliver asked.

"Oh I know a cozy cell back on Titan with her name on it." Mon-El said.

"Okay then." Skye said, catching everyone's attention, "Suit Up."


The teams dispersed, getting on their gear. They powered up, their weapons and themselves. The geniuses were preparing to fight from the Waverider. Alex was preparing every DEO agent with every weapon they might need. Skye was at the balcony looking out on her city. She proudly wore her suit and was ready to face Imra once they had eyes on her. A voice coughed behind her and Skye turned to see Oliver and Mon-El behind her in their suits. The three of them exchanged nervous but prepared expressions.

"How are you feeling?" Mon-El asked. Skye hesitated for a few seconds before she answered,

"Scared." she admitted, "I don't want to lose control again."

"You won't." Mon-el assured her.

"He's right, Skye." Oliver supported, "You have backup now. Together we will get Kara back." Sky's chuckled as she stood up straight.

"It's amazing how you guys get along now." The two men chuckled as a siren blasted from the DEO. The three heroes ran inside to the Control Center where the rest of the heroes joined them.

"Winn, give it to me." Alex yelled.

"Okay." Winn said, very panicked, "Imra's back. She's with Kara marching into the city and she's brought some friends." The monitor changed to see Imra and Kara in dark outfits marching into the city. And by their sides was an army of aliens. Dominators, Legionaire Robots, and several other species no one could identify. The agents gasped. Imra stepped in front of her army and stood strong.

"The time of Earth is over." Imra announced, "You say that aliens are welcome. We defend you, but you don't see us as equal. You see us as weapons. Well, it's time for everyone to see just how powerful aliens are." The camera fuzzed out as Lena brought her hand from her mouth.

"She's insane." Lena said.

"Everyone in the city will be in the crossfire." Barry said. Skye took a deep breath and stepped in front of everyone in the DEO.

"Alright!" Skye yelled. She then pointed at the blank monitor, "Here's the plan. Our priority is getting the people to safety. Then we will deal with Imra. Alex, I need you and every DEO agent to evacuate the city as fast as possible." Alex nodded, "We have to get them out of the fight. Lena, Winn, Cisco, Felicity, William, and Harry, you guys are our eyes and ears. Be in the Waverider and report everything back to us and give us some cover. Everyone else, we need to deal with that army. Now let's go."

"You heard the lady." Alex yelled. The teams broke off and Skye stepped out onto the balcony. Mon-El joined her.

"Are you ready?" Mon-El asked her. Skye let out a breath and turned to her father,

"Let's finish this."

A/N: Hi guys! I am so sorry about being late! I was sick and then I wasn't home. My life has been hectic. Thank you for being patient. Hope you enjoy their new chapter!
Love you all!

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