Ch.15: What the Rao?!?!

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A/N: The suit is above is my design which is Skye's suit from now on. The other outfit is the one Skye will wear in this chapter.

The car lurched as the driver barrelled down the street. He and his partner were trying to escape with the car they stole. The NCPD was far behind them. Suddenly, something dropped in front of the car and the driver slammed on the brakes. It crashed into the object in front of them, or more accurately the person in front of them. Supernova removed her hands as she stopped the car. There were 2 fist dents left in the hood.

"What's the hurry boys?" she asked. The driver turned away and put the car in reverse. Before they could even make one foot, Superboy landed behind them and left 2 more dents in the back of the car.

"No need to rush off. The police just got here." he said. 2 police cars halted behind the group. The 2 men climbed out and each one tried to take on the heroes. One pulled a gun out and fired at Mon-El. Thankfully, Brainy had woven the lead cure into Mon-El's skin allowing him to be bulletproof. Once he realized the bullets were not working, he dropped the gun and went to punching Mon-El. His fist slammed into Mon-El's chest but he didn't flinch. Instead, the robber screamed in pain as several bones broke in his hand. "I've never understood why they punch after the bullets don't work." Super Boy said to his partner, who already defeated her opponent.

"Me neither." she said as the criminals were taken away by the NCPD.

"Thank you Supernova and Super Boy." A police officer said.

"Your welcome." Skye said. The heroes flew off into the sky. They landed back in the DEO. "Whoo! We are on fire!" Skye exclaimed.

"Yeah you are!" Winn agreed, giving Skye a high-five. "It has been quite the morning."

"Tell me about it." Mon-El said, "We stopped 3 armed robberies, 2 car thefts and 2 speeders."

"Not to mention, saving that train and delivering a litter of kittens." Skye added on.

"And it's not even noon!" Winn exclaimed. Mon-El smiled. He had been Super Boy for two weeks now. So far, he and Skye had done a lot of good in the city. But they hadn't made any progress in finding out what happened to Kara. Besides the obituary article, nothing else could be found in the Legion's files. Which Mon-El thought was weird considering that the files should have recorded everything up to the 31st century. "By the way, Skye, you promised me something, a few days ago." Winn said, mischievously. Skye groaned as she threw her head back.


"Yesss!" he exclaimed. He then grabbed his tablet and ran for the training room and Skye slowly followed behind him before Mon-El stopped her.

"What did you promise him?" Mon-El asked, curiously.

"I told him he could conduct a full test drive of my powers." Skye mumbled. Mon-El let out a laugh as Skye joined him.

"I remember when he did that with me. He absolutely loves test drives." The heroes chuckled, "Can I join you?"

"Sure." Skye replied. Mon-El followed Skye as she entered the training room. And what they saw had no words to describe it. Winn had set up rows of cinder blocks, weights, targets, and all types of equipment for his test drive. At the center of the room, Winn was standing, eagerly waiting, with his tablet.

"Are you ready?" he asked, smiling. Winn went on to testing Skye's strength, speed, agility, freeze breath, and heat vision. After 30 minutes, Winn gave a mid-briefing. "Okay, so far I have determined that you have incredible accuracy. And you are WAY stronger and faster than Mon-El and Kara combined. " Winn informed, as Skye destroyed another cinder block.

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