C - DC - Beyond the Night II: Evermore (IP)

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Fandom: Young Justice, Teen Titans
Genre: Teen Fiction, Superhero, Hurt-Comfort, Friendship, Angst
Ships: There are hints at John (Robin's Cousin)/Zatanna's past relationship and Robin/Starfire
Headcanons: Zatanna is aged back up as is Batgirl returning them to how they used to be prior to certain DC executives feeling the need to ship them with Dick Grayson.

The second in the Beyond the Night series I'm writing, the team has decided upon a leader. However, with this comes dealing with the first Teen Titans member to join the team only for this not to be quite so accurate as Robin was the first. Roy doesn't take well to Raven's presence and Robin is having issues coping with the fact his time with the Titans is still a secret.

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