B - Great Uncle Dracula - Okami Otaku (IP)

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Fandom: Great Uncle Dracula
Genre: Angst, Family, Friendship, Romance, School, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Teen Fiction, Vampire, Werewolf
Ships: Wolfie/Wanda
Headcanon: I'm actually utilizing a headcanon which utilizes mythology from both Lord of the Rings and Japanese myth. It's actually something which will be revealed over the course of the story unfolding.

In the Great Uncle Dracula book series, Emily Normal moves to what I call Transylvania, Pennsylvania from Plainsville. Her father's uncle is in fact of the Dracula family line meaning she's a quarter vampire. She tries to fit in. Okami Otaku takes place seven years after these events when the characters end up going to high school. Emily's grown apart from her friends she made there for various reasons, but considers herself a certified nerd/geek.

What she doesn't expect is for an old friend to move to town, or to learn that one of her old friends she made when she first came to the monster filled town was keeping a secret that ultimately drove everyone apart because he didn't feel he could share said secret with the person who at the time was his best friend. This left Emily and Winnie by themselves, yet they drifted apart due to different interests.

She also doesn't expect finding out about Wolfie's relationship with Wanda - the girl who bullied her when she first came which in itself is upsetting even after learning the reason why Wanda didn't like her.

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