X-C/CS - Winx Club/X-Men Evolution - Winx: Melody

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Fandoms: Winx Club, X-Men Evolution
Genre: Fairy, Fantasy, Friendship, Mystery, Teen Fiction, Urban
Ships: Avalanche/Shadowcat
Headcanons: Lance was related to a Winx Club chracter as part of the blending of the fandoms. I also had a different idea regarding magic on Earth than what occurred in forth season of Winx Club. I also work with the 4Kids characterization because that was what was available at the time. Oh, and Lance has seizures in this.

I started off this crossover where Musa gets sent through a portal and loses her memory only to find myself in 2018 deciding to rewrite the piece as Dimensional Rip. The write is not going to be easy. I explore the fact Lance has seizures, a particular head canon.

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