Last War

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Second to the last chapter. Finally, Paraluman will be completed. Thanks for reading!

Full chapters are available on Dreame!

-Em <3

* * *

Finally, the war has ended.

Duyog, the tribe of the east, surrendered their land to their conquerors without a drop of blood spilled from the necks of their people. Peace, their leader had said, took precedence to whatever power this war had offered.

The mighty warriors of Bughaw Tribe had already surrounded Duyog's fortress with menacing air and proud eyes. These were the kind of men who can yield power even without the swords resting beside their hips. It was no wonder Duyog Tribe relinquished their freedom without a fight.

Adlao, liege lord of Bughaw tribe, sat on the throne made of gemstones seemingly transfixed by the troupe of minstrels singing about the unfortunate fall of Duyog sovereign.

Whispers in the hall were curious about why the liege lord of Duyog had not yet announced his presence. The sun was slowly setting and the ritual of passing the throne must be done immediately.

Adlao, on the other hand, didn't look alarmed by the absent lord. He was, in fact, enjoying the celebration. His eyes were constantly following the dancing gypsy in the middle of Duyog's hall. Gold draped her from head to toe, dangling like raindrops around her breasts and hips. It swayed dazzlingly every time her body moved in every beat of the song.

Adlao swore the woman would be sharing his bed tonight.

"My liege." Ginto, his right hand, said with a serious tone. "The moon is starting to rise. I suggest you retire immediately. This war has not yet ended and we need our strength in the morn."

Adlao scoffed. "And our ancestors said warring is fun. When in the first place, I never did like the term. It sounded boring and exhausting. All I wanted to was--" His eyes instinctively searched for the golden gypsy amidst the crowd. But she was already gone. He sighed tediously. "You're right, Ginto. I should go to bed. It's unfortunate that I have to spend on it alone."

Ginto scowled. "Do you want me to call for a courtesan, my liege?"

Adlao stood from the throne and slightly waved his hand in refusal.

Striding towards the room of the former lord of Duyog tribe, Adlao retired for the night.

* * *

Fiuwe, daughter of Ulan, the liege lady of Duyog's tribe, stripped off her gypsy costume and changed into her warrior's attire. Her tribe's conquerors were smart enough to attack while their troops and she were away hunting for food. It was a stroke of luck that she had heard the news and went back to her fortress immediately. Disguised as a gypsy, Fiuwe had to sneak inside her own home.

But it was too late. With less than an hour, Bughaw had surrounded them and took down their tribe's banner and erecting their own.

It was all Fiuwe could do not to explode and stupidly attack their leader. Besides the fact that she was going to die in a blink of an eye, Fiuwe would also put her people in danger.

The danger she called Adlao.

Adlao, Fiuwe heard, was the strongest of men among all the tribes in the land of Lucar. He had taken control a few of them and held a great amount of power across all regions. Relentless, aye, he was. He wasn't just using violence to rule but he liked it. Fear, rumors had said, was his favorite meal. Years in his throne, no man had ever dared to be his enemy.

All except Fiuwe who's, apparently, not a man. She might not be as strong as Adlao. But she was trained as a warrior. And it was a warrior's duty to protect what belonged to them.

Even if it meant taking one's life.

Reaching for her dagger strapped on her both thighs, Fiuwe tried to convince herself she was doing the right thing. She had never slain a single soul in her whole life and only used her blade during hunting season. But the daughter of Ulan never ran away from her duties.

Determined, Fiuwe sneaked in her bedroom looking for Adlao's figure. Her ears strained to hear any action happening inside. Time was running out and she had to move fast. The sun was setting and if she couldn't kill Adlao now, the ritual will be forced upon her, and she will lose Duyog.

She would lose the little trust her tribe had given her.

The years of her throne spent with doubt, insults, and mockery from her tribespeople suddenly haunted her. For the endless time, Fiuwe was still trying to prove her worth as their liege lord.

A sound of water splashing snapped Fiuwe into reality. He was in her bathroom. Immediately, her brain came up with a plan, thinking she got the upper hand for she knew her room better than her prey.

But her triumph was short-lived as the man, submerged inside a tub, spoke. "If you are here to kill me, liege lord of Duyog, you have to do it quickly or else it will be my dagger slitting your throat."

Daggers in hand, Fiuwe's first thought was to flee. Fear, like no other, plunged in her heart holding her unusually still.

The first thing to do when you're afraid was to hide it, her mother had always said.

She masked her fear with a light chuckle. "I never did things quickly. Slow death had always been my goal, liege lord of Bughaw."

Turning around suddenly, water splashed around Adlao's shoulders and chest. Surprised etched in his face.

"First time ever seeing a woman, Adlao?"

"It's you."

Fiuwe frowned. Unsure of what to do with the wonder she heard in his voice. If she didn't know better, he looked genuinely pleased to see her.

"I knew you would come." He said approvingly.

Her fist closed tightly around the hilt of her dagger. "Spare me from whatever game you're playing, Adlao. I am here to kill you. And this time I've changed my mind, it would be a quick death."

Fixed in a stance to attack, Fiuwe pointed her dagger towards Adlao. She lunged, going in for his throat, and reflexively stopping as Adlao stood from the tub and revealed his scarred body.

Gawking, Fiuwe had never seen a naked man before. It was considered inappropriate, you see, especially for an unmarried woman like her. With her eyes scanning Adlao's body from his head to his abdomen, she finally knew why her parents had warned her about men and passion. a dangerous combination, it was.

But, Lord, he was such a frightening glorious sight. His firm muscles were covered with scars and ink overlapping with each other so closely that she wanted to touch it, trace it and see where the ink had started and where the scar had ended. Warriors wore their victories on their bodies. And Fiuwe could see Adlao had won a lot.

Eyes traveling downward, Fiuwe stopped herself just in time to look between his legs. She looked at his face instead and regretted it. How could someone so mean looked so handsome? He should look like an old man with a scruffy beard, mean scowl, mean eyes, and mean lips.

But, instead, his squared-jaw was covered with an enticing day-old beard, his brows were knotted in confusion, his eyes looked majestic in green, and his lips were moving amorously.

For a moment, Fiuwe had forgotten about her revenge.

Passion was the curse a woman should avoid.

Her grip on her dagger loosened. Fiuwe suddenly realized that her dagger had no match against a curse.

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