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He said nothing could change him.

It wasn't a shock for a homosexual man like Blake Hastings to be attracted to a woman.

In fact, it happened most often than not, he just accepted it as a part of himself. He adored beauty and flesh of a voluptuous woman more than a straight guy. Unlike the half population of heterosexual men, Blake could appreciate women without thinking of them as someone to take in his bed.

Until today.

He certainly wanted to take Samantha Laurie in his bed and screw her brains out.

Blake fought a rising tide of panic. For a fully committed gay, this was a life-changing catastrophic shift of sexual preference. And he wasn't ecstatic about it.

"I'm sorry to say this, Mr. Hastings, but it is rude to stare at someone. Especially when a full ten minutes had passed."

Only ten minutes and he already envisioned her on his bed, kitchen, dinner table, and bathroom. Flat on her back and naked. Definitely naked.

Disgusted with himself, he apologized. "Samantha-" Her brows raised as he used her given name without her permission. He cleared his throat. "Samantha, I can't take you as my tenant."

Emerald green orbs flashed in defiance as he finished talking about the bullshit of enjoying his solitude. He watched, fascinated, as she slowly leaned forward, her spine stiffening as steel. She shifted slightly and quickly as if preparing herself for a battle. A table must have been served as a barrier between them, but he knew with certainty that she just crossed her white leg he shamefully ogled earlier when she strode inside Tammy's diner wearing flimsy bright pink shorts. Blake stared as Samantha shook her head in disbelief, her wavy jaw-length black hair angrily brushed her chin and cheekbones. One strand of hair was stuck on a pursed, furious lips.

He shut his mouth and braced himself from the women's outburst he, as much as possible, avoid.

Crossing her arms beneath her breasts, Blake tried to slide his eyes away to her shirt with ANXIETY printed on it. The letters strained around her round breasts, letting him have a glimpse of her bra lining.

Jesus!, He groaned out loud. He really had to think outside the gutter. One minute with Samantha Laurie and he turned into a teenager boy starving from sex. Absently, he rigorously scratched his eyes with his palms, pleading it to behave.

"Mr. Hastings." She called in worry. "Is there something wrong? Sorry to say this but you looked uneasy since we started this meeting. Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm all right. And my decision is made, you have to rent another house but not mine."

"I don't understand. Julie-"

"Julie is my sister, who did not talk to me about this. I own the farmhouse, she should've."

He didn't mean to snarl but couldn't help it. Blake was helplessly losing control. Having a hard-on was evidence one.

She lifted her chin, "I'm sorry to inform you this but I've already deposited my down payment for the whole month of September."

"I'll reimburse you."

"No!" He watched, stunned in silence, as she jumped off the stool and cracked her palm against the table. He was vividly aware of the patrons looking at them curiously. "You, bastard. I don't know which planet you learned your manners from but you damn well tell me your problem." She leaned further forward, her eyes leveled with his. "Tell me."

"I want to fuck you." Gasps and laughter echoed in the distance. "I want you on my bed, on my wall, on my floor. Naked. So, Samantha, run away from me as farther as possible."

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