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Making a phone call had never been this hard before.

Colleen Radburn dropped the call for the sixth time since the night of Valentine's day started. Lying on her bed, she stared at her phone, slightly squinting because of the glare of its light, and automatically dialed the same number again.

She was calling the Pleasure Hotline.

Colleen vaguely remembered early that morning when her husband called her to say that he won't be home on Valentine's Day. He said he was sorry, deeply sorry, and told her how badly he wanted to be by her side. And on it went, Arthur spouted lie after lie as if she was a child he was trying to convince that tooth fairies exist.

Her phone's screen went blank. Instinctively, she pressed it back on. 1-800-PLEASURE flashed before her, teasing her. Her mind bemusingly asked herself on why, in goodness sake, was she trying to call a phone sex hotline?

"It's their tagline." She thought out loud. "They had me at Call me when you need me."

And everybody knew Colleen Radburn badly needed someone.

* * *

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