Chapter 27: Please Forgive Me

Start from the beginning

I long sigh escaped my lips when I felt a small hand on my right shoulder, it gently squeezed my tense muscles and comforted me.

"You are scared that Jooheon will not be as kind as Hyunwoo hyung."

I nodded my head, I felt my eyes burn when I thought about it.

"Kihyun wasn't pregnant Felix, I was and I didn't even know I was until I lost my baby... my situation is way different and I'm scared Jooheon will ... will ..." oh come on ... how can I cry again? I thought I was out of tears already.

"Shh, is okay," the other omega gently pulled me into his arms, he held when I started crying my frustration and fears out "you have to tell Jooheon about the baby, he's the dad and he deserves to know more than anyone."

"I know," I wiped my tears with my slim fingers "I know."

"You need his help, his comfort to get through this loss hyung, you can't go through it alone."

"How can I tell him? Should I just blurt out 'hey, I didn't know I was preggo and lost the baby but didn't bother to tell you because finding the truth about myself and the pack was more important than losing a kid and telling his father about it' how about that? Is that good enough?" I pulled away from the blonde and got up to walk over the window. The rain had stopped, but the weather was getting colder by the second. Maybe it will snow soon.

Felix sighed, throwing himself against the bed in a tired manner "well, not like that or he will surely get pissed at you big brother Kyun."

I tsked and looked out the window while thinking about Kihyun hyung's letter. He said many times to trust Jooheon, that without trust there can't be love, but trusting Jooheon was a bit hard, it felt hard. What I'm going to tell him isn't that I disobeyed him but that I was pregnant and lost it and didn't want to tell him about it. How would he feel once he knows about it?

Will he get mad?


Will he scream?


Will he hurt me?


Will he throw me away?

I don't know.

How can love make him forgive me for such a thing?

I guess ... the only way to know the answer is to talk to Jooheon... Kihyun was brave ... so I have to be brave too *sighs* maybe Joo won't react as bad as I think he will .. if he does ... I can always run to Kihyun.

"Hyung?" the kid called out my name and I looked over my shoulder to look at him, "you will be alright, Kiki won't let anyone bad happen to you and I won't either. I can stick close by while you talk to the head alpha if that will make you feel safer. I promise to do my best to protect you."

A small smile formed on my lips, look at that kid ... being all brave and supportive when it should be the other way around. I should be the adult setting up an example for him, I should be strong, brave and impulsive like I was before any of this happened ... now I have gone soft and scared.

"Thanks Felix, but I can do it alone."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," I tried to smile "thanks for everything but I can take it from here. We omega's have to be brave on our own and face our alphas when need to be."

"You will be okay, I know it."

"I will try my best, for you and Kihyun."

We shared one last hug before I went out in search of my mate. My heart was thumping heart with all sorts of feelings, but I tried my best to push all those aside to focus on the main task at hand. I needed to face Jooheon before my temporary courage wears off.

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