Chapter 4: Defending A Friend

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Ruby P.O.V

After finding out that I have a crush on Kevin, I been hanging out with him more and today I was excited, I got ready and I walked out and ran down the hallway. I was running, until I bumped into and I fell on the ground.

Ruby: "Ouch."

???: "Watch it."

I recognized that voice and I look to see Cardin Winchester and his Team CRDL looking at her.

Cardin: "Oh, it's you."

Ruby: "Back off Cardin." *gets up*

I was gonna walk off, until I was pushed into a wall and Cardin held me there.

Cardin: "Where do you think you're going? You ain't going nowhere until you apologize for bumping into me."

Ruby: "I ain't apologizing."

Cardin grabs my shirt and lifts me up, then I saw another hand came outta nowhere and gripped Cardin's wrist and squeezed it and made him drop me. Then he looks to see who it was, then he was grabbing his shirt and lifts him up. Then I look to see it's Kevin and I smile after seeing him.

Ruby: "Kev."

Kevin: "This guy giving you trouble, Ruby?" *I nodded and he looks at Cardin* "What's your problem Cardin? Huh? You better not think you can get away with bullying other people. And you tried to bullied my childhood friend. I think it's about time someone taught you a lesson."

Cardin: "Go ahead. Do your worst. Guys, teach this kid a lesson." *he calls his team but they didn't responded* "Team?"

Kevin moves his head to the left side and Cardin turns and see's three of his Holo Decoys pinning down his teammates.

Cardin: "There's four of you?"

Kevin: "Oh no. There are Decoys of me, thanks to my suit and gadget."

Ruby: "That's awesome."

Kevin: *throws Cardin over to his team* "Best run along or you end up like the rest of your team. If you wanna fight me, meet me at Prof. Goodwitch's Combat Class."

Cardin and his teammates gets up and walks off and I continued on hanging out with Kevin, then we were walking through the courtyard and we lookup to see Prof. Goodwitch walking up to them.

Goodwitch: "Mister Kevin, I was told that you stopped Cardin Winchester from hurting Miss Rose, is that true?"

Kevin: "Yes, it's true. He was holding Ruby by her shirt and had her pinned on the wall. So I stopped and I was thinking about teaching him a lesson in your class tomorrow."

Goodwitch: "Very well, I'll make an announcement. Thank you for being honest, have a good day Mister Kevin and Miss Rose."

We nodded and she walks off and we continued on hanging out and we went to a restaurant and we was talking about our memories we had and I remembered the time that Kevin helped me from bullies.

8 years ago

I was walking through the park with my doll in my hands hugging it cause Kevin got it for me and I was excited, then three boys appeared and they surrounded me.

Boy 1: "Hey, what's you got there?"

Ruby: "Leave me alone."

Boy 3: "Oh come on, we just want to look."

Ruby: "No, go away."

One boy grabs me and one snatched the doll from my hand and another boy held me down.

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