Part 5

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The group got to the vault and walked over to Amber, Glynda walked over to the controls putting in the code that open Amber's pod. When it open Glynda looked over at Ruby and nodded her head to her. So Ruby walked over to Amber and placed a hand on her shoulder Fall also walked over and placed her hand on top of Ruby's. A bright glow started to form where their hands were at, Fall started to fade away at the same time the marks on Amber were fading away as well. Once Fall was gone Amber woke up and looked at Glynda and Ruby since the others were unable to be seen at the moment. "What just happen...?"

Glynda walked over to her. "We lucked out, and were able to save you, Amber."

Amber was shocked at hearing this. "But how?!"

Glynda smiled at her. "I'll tell you on the way up, but first you might want to get dressed."

Amber nodded her head and went to get dressed while the rest waited for her. Soon after Amber came back in her outfit she was wearing when Cinder and her helpers attacked her. With that, the group went back up to Goodwitch's office.


By the time they got back up to the office, Glynda told Amber everything. "So let me get this strate, this girl's semblance is like a dead magic collector or something and because I wasn't fully dead she was able to give me back my other hath of my life?"

"That is right but don't tell people that. We don't need Salem hunting her down because of it."

"So we just tell them that we found a way to wake me up and got my other hath back from my attacker?"

"Yes, it is for the best for now."

At that moment Ruby thought of something. "Hey, how did Amber's attacker know who she is?"

Everyone even the dead people who could be seen now looked at Ruby in confusion which made Ruby go on. "I mean... I get that the glove came from Salem. But how did Salem know that Amber is the Fall Maiden? I thought that Ozpin made sure before he died that everyone that knew about each Maiden had been taught to keep the info close to there chest. So unless someone saw Amber use her powers recently. Which from the reports about the matter you showed me on the way down to Amber she hasn't. So how did Salem's helpers find out? May would have been the more likely to be found and attacked when she was alive since she ran away. So how did Amber get found out?"

At hearing that everyone thought about it for a moment until Summer thought of something. "Unless someone in Ozpin's little group is working for Salem now."

Glynda looked at Summer in worry. "But after Ozpin's death, we made it a rule that only the head master's and other two people that take turns following a Maiden know where each Maiden is. And the other person that follows Amber when Qrow isn't her keeper was killed before hand. And the other Maiden's watchers don't know about Amber which means..."

Ozpin then cuts in. "Meaning that one of the other headmasters is working for Salem and if so how long has it been going on?"

Ruby then looked at Goodwhich. "So should we call Qrow to pick up Amber and tell him to what we think?"

Glynda thought about it for a moment. "Yes... I think so he is the only other person we can trust at the moment. We will also have to tell him that he and Amber need to go dark with the exception of Tai and Yang as a family calls and then you and me because we know what is going on."

Just then Ozpin thought of something. "What about Ironwood? He was trying to keep Amber alive until you could find a way to stop the Fall Maiden's powers from going to Salem's helper. He is going to want to know what happened to Amber."

Glynda looked at Ozpin for a moment. "I'll be telling him about the mole and that I was able to clear Qrow and that I need Qrow to go dark for now. Ironwood will more than likely start looking for the mole."

Ozpin looked at Glynda in worry. "Are you sure about that? Ironwood isn't the best at keeping things hidden when looking into things."

Glynda looked at him with a smirk. "That is what I'm counting on."

Everyone looked at Glynda in confusion before she went on. "If Salem's mole finds out that we know the mole will try and hide harder and more then likely be found out. But if Salem finds out that we know she might try and get rid of said mole and we still find out."

Everyone looked at Glynda in shock for a while that is until Ozpin saw what time it is. "Um... Glynda, don't you and Ruby need to be at the assembly?"

Glynda looked at the clock and her eyes widend and looked at Amber in worry. Ruby saw this and spoke up. "So long as I'm on school grounds Mom and the others can be real. We can leave my Mom and Ozpin here to keep an eye on Amber and then have the rest of the Maidens back as spirits just in case Salem's helpers show up."

Glynda nodded her head and Ruby did just that and the two left the room. Glynda also sent a text to Qrow telling him to get back to the school as soon as he can.

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