Part 2

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Many years have passed since the day Yang saw Summer and the other that save her and Ruby. Which she kept on telling her Dad and Uncle about it and the two ended up getting someone to talk to her which made Ruby scared to tell anyone about her semblance because she didn't want to be treated as a weird child. Which after a year Yang let it go and started to think it was all a dream and the family moved on. When Ruby was old enough to start going to Signal. Ruby started to learn how to use a scythe from her dad. But at times he would be gone for a long time looking for Ozpin or any news about Salem. When that happened Ozpin and the others would help her with her training.

Like today they were in the woods and Ozpin was standing in front of 15 year old Ruby ready for their fight. Summer was standing in between the two. {Alright begin!}

Ruby started to punch and kick Ozpin doing a lot better than she did when she first started. Ozpin dodged and started doing a few punches and kicks of his own. They kept at this for awhile until finally, Ozpin got the upper hand and kicked Ruby to a tree. "Och..."

At that moment Ozpin went back to being a ghost. {Ruby are you alright?}


Ruby then looked at the four people that no one knew was in her life. "I don't get it."

{Get what?}

"How is it that you all are bonded to me and yet I can't use any of your guy's powers or weapons for that matter!"

At hearing this Ozpin chuckled. {I think you semblance is kind of like a backup plan for those who die.}


{Yes, a backup for those who don't want to die yet. They can only live again as a living being by you and you can only bond with those who won't hurt you and can also help you along the way. That is why you don't have that many people bonded with you yet. For the most part, you need to know them before they die or the only other way for you to have them in your group is if they have light magic in them which the maidens, myself and those with your's and your mother's eyes are the only ones that have that kind of magic.}

Ruby thought about that and thought that was a good of a guess as it was going to get. Just then Ruby saw something. "Um... Ozpin?"

{Yes Ruby?}

Ruby then pointed at what she saw. "Who's that?"

Everyone looked at what Ruby was pointing at and both Ozpin and Spring's eyes widened. {Fall!}

It was indeed Fall she looked very scared. The two ran up to her with worry. {Fall what's wrong?!}

{Salem's people tried to take away Fall Maiden's powers. This woman used some sort of glove on Amber that had this Grimm bug that shot some sort of web at her face. The Fall Maiden's powers just billed up at the halfway point between her and Amber. Leaving Amber but not going into her, when a man with a sword showed up and cut the web what was taken out of Amber and me ended up here.}

At hearing that Ozpin only had one thing on his mind. {I got to get to Beacon.}

Summer looked at him. {Ozpin, you can't. Even when Ruby lets us be real again we can only be so far away from her. Sure we can go anywhere on Signal Academy. But that is only if Ruby is there as well. So no Ruby no Beacon Academy. And there is also the fact that we can only be alive again if Ruby gives the okay or she is in danger.}

Ozpin looked at everyone there and then at Ruby then Ozpin had an idea in his head and smiled. {Ruby?}

Ruby looked at him in confusion. "Yeah?"

{How would you feel about becoming a student at Beacon Academy two years early?}

Ruby's eyes widen and she smiled. "Yes!"

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