Seduced Lust - Chapter 10

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Seduced Lust

~Chapter 10~

*Laura’s P.O.V

I peeled my eyes open, to see the bright light of the sun, making me flinch away, pull the covers over my head.

“Get up Honey.” Rebecca says. I mummer incoherent words, and snuggle deeper into the feather duvet.

“Hey! Get Up!” She yells, getting impatient when me. I reply with a groan, and curl up into a ball. I feel the immediate rush of air when the duvet is pulled off of me. I mutter rude words, and roll over, only to be shoved off the bed, earning myself a mouthful of shaggy carpet. Glaring at a smug Rebecca, I trudge to the bathroom, and take a nice long hot shower. Wiping the fog off of the glass, and grin over excitedly at my appearance. I frown when I look weird. Trying to tame the tangles from my hair, I slip and knock my elbow on the sink. Moaning in pain, I rub the sore spot.

After some minor falls, and bruises, I manage to get out of my room and down the many halls to the dining room. I guess my good luck ran out last night, now all I have are bad luck. Well fück... when l see Master standing at the front of the table, I was confused but sat at my normal chair. Once everyone was sat down, he cleared his throat, and said,

“Well, some of you guys may know that ten of my subs, your friends, and acquaintances have passed away over the last week, due to an extremely deadly sickness. The funerals have been held already. At this current time, there are 7 subs living under my roof. I have decided that I have no use for that many subs, But I wish to make one last sub until further notice. I will be unavailable today and few days after, where I will be visiting my cousins’ place, since he is willing to give me one of his.”

After a firm nod, he sat back down. I made a face at Joanna. It disgusted me the way he spoke of me and the others. His face didn’t show any signs of remorse, or pity. I dug into my breakfast, and tried my best at ignoring him. But it didn’t go quite my way. His warm hand rested on thigh, and drew small circles on my skin. I crinkled my nose and tensed up, and I left it there. Taking my response as an OK, his hand crawled higher and higher up my thigh. Now uncomfortable, I reached down, and shoved it away. Moments later, the hand and returned, but gripping my thigh more tightly. I not so subtly crossed my legs, leaning away from Master. He whispered under his breath, “Stop fighting me.” The hand shifted under my skirt, and played with the edge of my underwear. I squirmed underneath his touch.

*Why am I so turned on by the simplest of touches?* His magical fingered smoothly slipped beneath the cloth, and a finger swept across my wet core, swiping up some of my juices. I saw Master smirk from the corner of my eye.

*That smug bastard.* He ran his middle and ring finger on the outer lips, running laps. My toes curled from the sensations. Having enough with teasing me, both fingers suddenly thrust into my wet hole. I gasped out, gripping the tablecloth. Joanna sent me a concerned look. I gave her a ghost smile, telling her it was alright. Still sceptical, she went back to shovelling food into her mouth. How lady-like. Just then, the fingers curled up, and a wave of tingled shot around my lower abdomen. I shuddered in pleasure. Pulling out ever so slowly, the pad of his thumb gently grazed my clït. Biting my lip, I tried not to moan. His slim fingers then thrust back in, curled, pulled out, and grazed my clït again. He repeated this a few times, throwing me near the edge. Master abruptly stopped, cutting my high short.

“Master, p-please. I n-need...” I begged quietly. His hand cupped my sex, and the short nail of his thumb scratched my throbbing bud.

“Cum.” He whispered. That was all I needed to hear before I released onto his hand, biting my lip stifling my moans. Spent, I relaxed into the chair, and opened my heavy lids, which I had closed without noticing. Joanna was giving me a knowing look, making my blush tomato red, and look down. Master slipped his hands out trying not to drop any of my cum. I looked at his hand, and it was full with a white frothy liquid. I blushed even more, and looked at Master’s face. He smiled at me, and walked away with my cum in his hand. I was so embarrassed. He grabbed a rag from a counter in the corner of the large room, and wiped his hand off. I smiled sheepishly, and stood up. Making sure that my skirt was dry, I sneaked out of the room, pass the complicated twists and turns, and to my room.

~Four Days Later~

Master had been gone for the last two days, and everyone was bored with nothing to do. We had been given orders before he had left not to leave the premises, interact with the servants, and mostly, not to touch ourselves, or each other. My only entertainment were my books, and Joanna. Today was the day he was coming back. The maids and butlers were busy tidying up the house, and cooking lunch, ready for his arrival.

“Hey, Laura! Everyone else in waiting in the main lounge for Master.” I looked up, and saw Joanna leaning against the door frame wearing a short pink summer dress. I nodded, and shut my book. Placing it on my bed, and followed my friend out, and to the large cream room. It was decorated with a large painting of a sunset, a few couches, and recliners. I settled onto the arm of the chair Joanna sat on. Just in time too. Master entered the room looking hotter than ever. His hair was quite long now, brushing against the tops of his shoulders. He looked delicious in his usual attire – a black Armani tux.

“Hello. I have brought home a new sub, whom I wish you will treat fairly. She is also from where Laura’s from, but my cousin wasn’t quite satisfied.” He nodded briefly, and left the room. A slim, petite female emerged from the doors. Her red hair was trimmed into a pixie cut, and her body with a little less curvy than mine. Not to brag though. She lifted her head, and scanned the room. Her green eyes met mine, and mine widened in recognition.

“Jazzy!” I exclaimed, the same time she squealed my name. We exchanged smiles, and she ran up to me. After greeting my excitedly, he squeezed my torso.

“Can’t breathe Jaz.” “Sorry Laur. Who’s this” She stuck out her hand at Jo. I introduced them to each other. Joanna slapped her hand away, and hugged Jaz. I smiled at them.

“I like her already. You have such great taste in friends.” She grinned. Afterwards, Joanna and I lead her to a spare bedroom in the hallway, and got her settled.


I was about to leave the dining room when I was called by Master. He told me to be ready in the second playroom by 7:30pm. I nodded in understanding, and left. That night, after leaving Jaz’s room, I entered the second playroom. All the playrooms were the same, all equipped with the same things. Finished stripping, I folded the up placing by the door, laying my heels beside them. I kneeled down in front of the door, hands on my lap, head down, and sitting on my heels. A few minutes later, he entered. He tsked.

“Did I tell you strip? Also don’t think that I don’t know about you touching yourself.” He growled. *FUDGESTICKS!!


HEY! It has been so long. Sorry guys... It’s a cliffhanger. I’m so mean :(

Thanks for over 15,000 reads, 200 votes, and 41 comments. They make me feel nice and tingly :D


Love you guys

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