Seduced Lust - Chapter 5

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******************************Two Years Later********************************

My face stayed impassive, even as ‘Master’ was kindly asking me questions. I merely nodded, and shook my head, my face still blank. As if he just realised that I wouldn’t talk to him, he stopped mid-way through his sentence, and his warm, but rough hand left my thigh.

I softly turned my head, and observed this strange man. His strawberry blonde hair was trimmed on the side, and the top was styled to cover is left eye. His hard emerald eyes were staring out the limousine’s window, and his nose was a bit crooked. He had a strong jaw, which was stiff. He also had quite a bit of stubble, and a large scar running from the back of his ear, down the side of his neck, and past his shoulder. It looked as if it was on his Jugular vein. But only a deep cut could cause such a scar as he had, and if it was deep, it would’ve killed him. I gazed curiously at this peculiar scar of his.After a while, I looked up, and found he was staring at me, eyebrows furrowed. Startled, I bit my lip, shifting slightly under his eyes. Nervously, I licked my bottom lip, and looked out the window, trying to ignore him.

I began to think.  What were my other friends doing? Are they happy with their masters? Or are they like me right now? Will I ever see them again? Will I ever see Clint again? I blinked a few times, and felt a headache coming along. Closing my eyes, I sighed, and fell into a peaceful darkness.

-------------------------------2 Hours Before-----------------------------------------------------

Tears streamed down my face, and I tightly squeezed Clint. “I’ll miss you so much” I choked out. He hugged me by my waist, and kissed my forehead. “We’ll meet again someday.” He half grinned, his eyes watering. He sniffed, and we buried our faces into each other’s necks. We parted, and he at each other. He brushed some tears off my cheeks, and softly smiled at me. “I love you, Laura.” I looked into his blue pupils, and tears spilled over again. I half heartily laughed, and replied “And I love you Clint.” I backed away, my hand slowly untwining. I turned around, and didn’t look back. My hair fell around my face, and I coughed.

Wiping the salty tears from my face, I made my way into the make-up room for the girls. Never to see my love again. I gingerly sat unto my stool, and a lady rushed over, and began swiping my face with a bunch of products. After doing my hair, I was ushered into a room. There I met up with Nicola and Jazzy. I licked my lips, and walked towards them. “Hey guys.” I said. They turned to me, and smiled. “Oh Honey. You just went to see Clint didn’t you?” Asked Nicola knowingly. I nodded, my bottom lip trembling. Jazzy gave me huge bear hug, and smiled at me. “C’mon Laura, get your mind off him. You said bye to Jay and Cody right?” I laughed remember how Cody reacted with me leaving. Turns out, there were no gay masters this year, so he’ll be leaving next year. Jay and I and said our farewells last night, before he was taken by another Master who has specially requested him. Nicola, Jazzy and I were chatting whilst we were waiting for our name to be called. First to be called from us was Nicola. After she left, we heard ‘LAURA’. I stared longingly at Jazzy. I hugged her tight, and left through the velvet curtain.

A man with a head set came to me, and roughly grabbed my arm. Shoving items of clothing into my hand, he smiled at me kindly. “Change into these please. I’m sorry for the lack of coverage, but it’s compulsory for all the Auctions.” I nodded, and he led me behind a curtain. “You have 5 minutes.” I stripped off my purple off the shoulder shirt, and my black leggings. Slipping of my jandals (Flip-flops) and examined the clothing. First, I put on the blood red open toe stilettos, and pulled on the skin-tight corset. It was made with soft material, and a black chest area with red torso parts. The bottoms only included of a string bikini bottoms. I sighed at the amount of skin showing, but made my way out, bumping into the man.

He grinned at me, and led me behind another velvet curtain. A loud voice boomed out, and said.“Introducing Laura Kingston. A 20-yr old orphan, who has Irish descent. She’s really feisty, but still obeys orders. She’s had a really rough past, so don’t go too hard on her. *Laugh* her longs legs are beautifully shown off with the red stilettoes, and her chest is a wonderful double D. Now we start bidding at 10,000 for this blonde beuty!” I stared at the man with wide eyes. How the f*ck do they know all of this about me? I thought. A loud thump broke me from my thoughts. “Laura Kingsley sold to Mister James Bolson II for 520,000 US dollars.” The man said grinning, obviously happy to have earned this much money. I was ushered off the stage by the other man with the headset, and walked to a much larger man staring down at me. I nervously shifted my weight from leg to leg, and I shivered from the cold. Tilting his head, he wrapped his leather jacket around me. The warmth engulfed me, and a minty chocolate smell wafted into my nostrils. He introduced himself to me, and I just nodded. He studied me carefully, then picked me up, and into his waiting Limo.


I skipped a lot of time forward, because I wasn’t sure what to write…

Seduced Lust (Rated R) [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin