Seduced Lust - Chapter 9

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Seduced Lust

~Chapter 9~

(BTW I changed the last chapter’s last words to “Pulling my straps down”)

*Laura’s P.O.V

The person left butterfly kisses along my collarbone, leaving a tingly trail leading to the valley of my breast. Caught up in the pleasure, my eyes were still closed. Large rough hands gently pushed the fabric over my breasts, and to my hips. They caressed my breasts, and brushed over my nipples. They grew hard, and I thrust my chest up trying to get back the touch the hands left. A moan left my lips and a pair on lips landed on my right beast. Kisses were left around the nipple, but not unto it. I growled, getting frustrated. But my mood changed to satisfaction, when teeth started to nibbled my nipple, whist the other hand was twisting, and pulling on my left one. The lips were suddenly removed, and cool air was blown onto it. A faint smile on my lips, I whined. The hand left my now sensitive nipple, and brushed down to my wet core.

“So wet for me.” Breathed a husky voice. Recognising the voice almost instantly, my eyes shot open. “n-no...” I gasped out. As weird as it sounded, the last night a man’s ‘parts’ entered me was the night of the r… When we had the lessons at Sub Matchmaker Co. We could choose between toys, fingers, Oral, or the dick. I would always avoid the dick. As you can probably tell, I’m NOT keen for the ‘D’ (A/N Sorry. I just had to)

“Hmmm? Are you denying access to MY sub?” Master said, his tone surprisingly calm. “I-I, um. I’m on my period!” I spat. I relaxed when Master stopped his movements. But that was cut short when he said “Really? I spoke with your Sellers, and they said you were on birth control pills, and wouldn’t get you period.” His voice clearly amused. My eyes opened, and I looked at him. His eyebrow was raised, and a smirk was the position of his lips. My eyes shifted, trying not to make eye contact. A firm hand grasped my chin, and forced me to look into his green eyes. “You lied to me. Didn’t you?” *It’s a rhetorical Question. Don’t answer.* “You’ve been naughty. And naughty girls deserve to be punished, eh?” As he sat up, a knock came from the door. “Laura? It’s time for breakfast dearie. Get dressed.” Floated in Marceline’s voice. “Okay!” I replied. “We shall continue this after the morning meal.” He whispered into my ear, giving it a playful nibble. I shuddered at the feeling. He removed his hands, and untangled our leg. Smoothing out his button-up shirt, he gave a dark smirk, and left. Flustered, I ran my fingers through my hair, and let out a frustrated groan.

I walked down the hallways and stairs to the dining room. The seating plan was like last time, but Shyana had moved into my seat. Narrowing my eye at her, I took her seat beside Joanna. “Hey. You know staring at her plastic face won’t make it blow up no matter how hard you stare. I tried, wouldn’t work.” I cracked a grin, and looked at the gorgeous girl beside me. Her hair was blond, and cut into a pixie haircut and her hazel/dark green eyes were staring at me amused. “Well, I can try can’t I?” I muttered, folding my arms across my chest. She laughed, and said, “We’re going to be best friends.” Siling back at her, I nodded in agreement.

~After Breakfast~

Just as she had predicted, Joanna and I had become great friends. Grinning ear to ear, I recalled her telling me a joke. She had asked me what you call Shyana’s cleavage. The answer was Plastic Valley. I had laughed so hard, I started choking on my food, making everything stare at me like I had grown another head. I turned the corner to the hallway, but bumped into a hard wall. No, correction, it was Master’s chest. “Meet me in the basement. The stairs to it are next to the kitchen. I want you to be bare, and in 2nd pose.” I nodded, and quickly rushed down. Opening the door, I felt around for a light, but there was none. My brows furrowed from curiousness, as I stepped out of my sundress. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I knelt down on the fluffy carpet. I spread my knees apart, head down, and hands clasped behind my back. Not even 2 minutes later, the door opened, and someone – probably Master – descended down the stairs. A faint click of a lamp from my left illuminated a dim orange light. Head still down, I bit my lip in anticipation. This would be my first time in ages with another man then my class partner; Clint.

I heard the creak of drawers open, and the familiar clink of handcuffs. After grabbing more things, Master’s hands grabbed my shoulders, and made me stand up. Leading me to a bed at the middle of the room, he cuffed my hands to the head board. He then proceeded to tie a blindfold around my eyes. Having my sight taken away, I started to hyperventilate. I couldn’t handle blindfolds because every time I had them on, I would start having flashbacks to the day before I was taken. “C-can you please t-take off the blind fold, M-master?” I stuttered. “I’m the Master hear. I make the decisions not you.” He growled. *He smashed his lips onto mine, and forced my lips opened.* I started to shake, and my breath grew ragged. *Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I screamed again and again. I hoped for somebody to help Me.* my hands franticly shook, trying to get out of the cuffs. *He didn't stop though, no.* Finally light returned to my eyes, but I was still shaking. Master pulled me into his lap, and held me tightly. “Shh… You’re save now.” He whispered into my ear. My breath slowly returned, and I stopped shaking. “S-Sorry, I had a bad experience before.” I apologised. “It’s fine. Was that why you reacted like that in the morning?” I nodded. “Would you like to continue?” He asked me. Shaking my head, I looked into his eyes. They were of pity and concern. “Okay, go upstairs. This is the only warning though. Next time, I won’t be as forgiving.”


Lel no sex scene hehe

Sorry if you were looking forward to it. :L

Anyways, here is the next chapter! Hoped you liked it

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