Seduced Lust - Chapter 2

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The Next day, I was woken up by Joe, and told to follow him to the training area. We arrived into a large room with a stage at the front. Joe gave me a pat on the back. "See you later! I can't stay here for this. I'll wait for you" he mumbled into my ear, leaving. I awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do. I saw another lone boy, who looked around my age. I smiled as I tapped his shoulder. His mossy green eyes met mine. I told him my name, and he said he was called Clint. We started talking, and he told me he was also kidnapped and came here the day before yesterday. A loud noise interrupted our conversation.

"HI GUYS!! I'LL BE YOUR BDSM TEACHER THIS YEAR BEFORE AUCTION DAY IN AUGUST. ANY QUESTOINS YOU CAN ASK ME AFTER CLASSES. BTW, LESSONS ARE EVERDAY ACCEPT FOR WEEKENDS. " Yelled a lady in her mid-20's. I looked at Clint, and his expressi9on matched mine and everyone in our class. We were all shocked at this loud lady. "NOW YOU PROBABLY WONDERING WHO I AM. I'M SHARON SMITH, BUT CALL ME SHAZDOG."  I slowly nodded. "NOW GET INTO PAIRS. CHOOSE CAREFULLY, BECAUSE YOU WILL STAY IN THIS PAIR FOR YOUR TIME HERE, HOWEVER LONG" Clint and I looked at each other and smiled that smile. "RIGHT. NOW EVERYONE IS IN PAIRS, WE WILL START WITH SOME BASIC POSES." She then called for 'Megan" a brunette walked through the door, and onto the stage where Shazdog stood. She said 'Submissive Stance'. Megan immediately kneeled down, legs apart, arms behind her, and head down. "NOW, IT'S KEY TO LEARN THIS POSE AS YOU WILL BE IN THIS POSITION WHEN EVER YOUR MASTER/SIR CALLS FOR YOU." She then told us to copy Megan. I kneeled down with everyone else, copying Megan's stance. After learning some other positions, we learnt basic instruments. Such as Flogger, Cane, Whip, Strap-on, Electro things, Hand-cuffs etc.

"RIGHT, MAKE SURE TO REMEMBER THESE TOOLS, AND ON WEDNESDAY (TOMORROW) WE WILL BE GETTING A SHOW, AND PHYSICAL. BYE!" Shaz yelled to us, waving. Clint and I walked out the room and he went to his bodyguard, while I went to Joe. "I made a new friend!" I told Joe. He smiled and nodded. "Do you want to go and decorate your room before lunch?" he asked me. I eagerly nodded. He laughed and led me through 4 rooms, and down 2 stairs. He opened a wooden door, and flicked on a light. A dim light lit up a small dusty room. "We haven't used this room is a long time." he explained. I hmmed and looked around. There were tins of paint and stacks of paintbrushes. Rolls of wallpaper were in a corner of the room. Squinting at the labels on the tins, I picked out a color call Reflection Blue (A/N I made that up) It was a very light blue, and a slight tinge of pale purple. I motioned to Joe to help me carry 2 tins and paintbrushes. We left the room, with me holding some paint rollers and trays. Joe placed the equipment in my room, and we worked together to move my bed and desk to the middle of the room. "Ready?" I asked and he replied yes. I poured a tin of paint into some of the trays, and dipped the roller in. I started to work on the middle on the walls while Joe did the precise corners and sharp cuts. After around an hour or two we were done. I tidied up the paint and smiled proudly at our work. "Thanks Joe! It looks soo much better now!" I squealed, jumping into his arms. He grinned proudly and threw away the paints etc. into the trash room 5 doors away.

"Hey, Laura- Woah! Nice room" exclaimed Jay. I said a thank you, and asked him if he wanted to come with me to lunch. “Yup! That’s what I came to tell you.” He grinned and slid his arm around mine. “Shall I accompany you to lunch, fine lady?” he asked, his British accent showing. “You may, kind sir” I giggled playing along. “How shall we go there?” I asked. “Hmm… Perhaps skipping.” I gave a firm nod, in approval. Laughing, we skipped to our Lounge. When our group saw us, they burst out laughing as well. We sobered up and made our way to the food table. Upon filling up our plates with varied food, I saw Clint standing quietly in a corner. I motioned to my friends to give me a second. They looked at me while I walked to Clint.

“Oh hello!” I sang into Clint’s ear in the accent of the man in Frozen. He flinched away, and turnd to me. A smile appeared on his face.“Hey Laura? What’s up?” “Nothing. I saw you standing here alone, so I thought I could introduce you to my friends.” He looked nervous. “Don’t worry.” I reassured him.

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