"I'm so sorry, Sir. I tried to tell her that. . ."

I raised a hand to stop Amanda and she nodded.

"This is how you do your job?"
I asked my secretary. She shook her head like a lunatic.

"I'm really sorry sir."
She said quietly, hands clasped together in front of her like an adorable five year old being scolded.

"Thank you for ruining my job, Sis."
Daniel whispered to the lady who swallowed and turned to me.

"I'm sorry. . .Sir?"
She said it like she was asking a question.

I raised an eyebrow at her. Really? Isn't that obvious?

"I didn't know. . .In fact I don't have an excuse for my. . ."

I finished for her.

She looked up at me. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I don't like repeating myself twice. Why else would you barge into an office that is obviously not his? Hmm?"

"I just apoligized, Sir."
She looked offended.

Being offended for something that I should have been offended about. That was a bit funny though.

"I'm sorry for my sister's lousiness, Sir. It won't happen again."
Daniel said to me.

I looked at him. "It better not. Take your family problems out of my office. Clear my appointments for today, find a place to fix them in. And you, Amanda. . ."
I turned to the clumsy secretary of mine.


"The next time this happens, I hope you bear it in mind that this job is something anyone would die for."

"Yes sir."

"Good. So, firing you won't be an issue."

"Yes sir. It won't happen again."

I walked towards the door but stopped in front of the stranger who was looking down at the rug. I haven't found this rug fascinating the way she does right now.

But she was beautiful, I must admit. Shoot me, but I can't over look a wonderful art work of God when I see one.

I walked out of the office immediately.


Jenna's POV

"This is a bad idea."
I said to AJ who was now coming out of the club through the back with Sam, my boyfriend.

I was thinking something wasn't right with them. Every time, one person was  missing, the other went missing too.

But I knew that AJ is my friend. She won't hurt me like she hurts others. The lady was insensitive to anyone's feelings. She does things out of proportion and especially when she feels right about it.

Call her selfish, but that's just how she was made.

But she would never do that to me. I could trust her. Several times, she had stood up for me against others. And I owe her a lot.

I pushed the strange thought out of my head when she walked up to my car in which she drove , down to the club with me. She glanced in, seeing Melanie fast asleep, she grinned and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"This is bad ass."
She said to me. "I never knew you had the balls for this, Jenna. Believe me, I thought you would chicken out on me."
She said and laughed.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now