Chapter 30: Magic, My Ass!

Start from the beginning

"Damn right, I'm not good at 'kidnapping' children. Besides, why should I fill in this thing?"

"Because we are taking Joel and Pearl to Disneyland with us." Focusing on her paperwork, she replied me lightly.

"What?! Are you kidding me?!" I might as well be crazy right now. "We are not doing that. Taking you to Disneyland is enough deal breaker for me."

She put the pen down and glared fire. "No, you can not pull that card on me. It's your fault choosing the harsh way, blocking me. Now, you have to pay for it."

"Payback or not, I'm not signing it." I stood up, waiting for her to obey me but her hands did the opposite.

"Have it your way, Cole. Anyway, I can sign under your name if you won't." The paper was pulled to her side as she reached out for the pen.

"That's illegal, milady. I can sue you for faking my sign." Gazing down at her, I lowered my voice so the staff wouldn't hear anything.

"Pretty sure being a deal breaker is also illegal, especially for a businessman." She retorted with a creepy smile forming across her lips. "After all, they have seen you coming and, thankfully, I'm good at faking handwriting."

"Shit!" Concededly, I plopped back to the sofa. "Fine, you win. But if those two make any trouble, I won't give you a hand."

Returning the form to its original position, she took my hand and shook it in her without my consent. "Deal."

I scoffed looking at her behavior but she was too wrapped up with her happiness to notice it.

Focusing back to the burden I just agreed on, I grabbed the pen and shed ink into the signature box. Once it was done, a heavy breath urged to be released as my mind registered the signature indicated today would be another day of torture.

"Here you go, miss. Precisely as you ordered with a little sprinkles on the top."

If you girls couldn't comprehend what it really meant, the morse code was for 'I'm pissed but I can't lash it on you'.

"Thank you, Cole. I appreciate a man who stands for his words." She gave me a sugarcoated grin.

Moments later, the kids- whom Bianca fucking loved more than me- stepped into this room. They were dressed in very neat outfits as they exposed row of teeth.

"Bianca!" They both ran into her with open arms.

"Joel... Pearl..." Returning their hug, Bianca squatted down to their level as her fingers caressed Miss My-Word-Is-Expensive's hair. "Wow... You two look gorgeous!"

"Thank you. Miss Leslie helped me choose this dress." Little miss answered while pointing at a girl near the door. "It's really pretty, isn't it?" Her hand femininely showed off the printed floral dress.

"Yes, especially when you are the one who wears it." Bianca replied, making her blush like a tomato.

Watching the little girl who ignored me the last time I was here doing those girly act made me wanna pull my cellphone and taped it. How could someone as young as her have double personality? Seriously though, I was so down to make her apologized for rejecting me.

The Girl Behind His Attitude (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now