Come and Gone

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A few days had passed since the car accident. Yuna had to be medicated from what doctors assumed to be chronic headaches from her head injury. The heavy duty pills dulled the shrill voices in her head, making them buzz in her mind. Atsuko, her mother, had just paid her a visit with big news.

Silence fell around the two women. A bright smile on the mother while a sullen and faraway look on the young girl. "He's coming back? But Yusuke's dead... The dead can't come back Mom." A bright smile came over her mother's face, "That's just the thing! His heart is still beating and he's breathing! It's a miracle."

A miracle, the thought of it had her inwardly scoffing. As much as she wanted to talk some sense int her mother, the blissful smile on the woman's face stopped her. Giving Atsuko a small, kind smile, Yuna held her hand and squeezed. "I'm glad Mom, I can't wait to see him wake up."

The two of them were interrupted by the on site doctor. A small smile lit his face, "Urameshi Yuna, you're free to go and check out. We will be prescribing you some headache medicine." He spoke sternly, "Please be advised however, these are very strong, so take them only when necessary. Is there any questions that concern you?"

A quiet moment passed through the room before Yuna spoke, "Is this the same medicine that you've been giving me while I've been staying here?" It did not take long for him to answer, "It isn't. What we have been giving you here has been known to be addictive, so its usage must be monitored at all times." He took a breath before continuing, "The dosage we are giving you is much lower as per medical regulations and more importantly, better for your health." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, keeping his smile.

Nodding to show the man that she understood, she felt dread fill her body. She did not care if the medicine was addictive, even now the voices were a dull roar in the back of her head. She could barely hear herself and others speak. If they gave her a lower dosage, what would happen? Even more alarming, if she told them what she was hearing, would they think she was going crazy?

Then again... Her mother literally just told her that her brother- Wait no, her Dead brother, with a capital D, was going to come back to life. If Yusuke does come back to life, I will visit a hundred shrines and accept these voices as a gift from the gods. Yuna had been focused on her own thoughts, she did not realize that another person entered the room.

"Excuse me, is this Urameshi Yuna's room?" the three occupants looked over towards the door. A slightly tall boy with curly, black hair and and black bespectacled eyes stood wearing Meiou's school uniform. He was so plain and underwhelming to look at, completely unremarkable that Yuna struggled to recall his name. Yu something.. Kaiba? No that's a card.. Kainu.. No, that sounds like some kind of pirate. Kiba? No, that's the name of that guy from that one anime with the weird flower girl. What was his name?

"Sorry for the intrusion, but I'm a classmate of Urameshi-san, I came to drop off her school work and her cram work." Now she remembered who he was, Kaito Yu. He was the second highest scoring student in their class, before Yuna tied with Minamino Shuichi and dropped him to third best. She remembered that heated glare she received when their scores were posted. He bowed to everyone before walking forward to politely hand her a large stack of papers.

"Arigatou gozaimasu Kaito-san." She thanked him politely only to receive an impassive glare. "Hn. It's no issue. The school wouldn't want one of their top scorers to fall behind in her academics" Kaito's snobbish attitude rubbed her the wrong way. "I'll be taking my leave." The boy spoke before walking out the room. "Yuna do me a favor," She looked to her mother, "What is it Mother?" "Don't ever date a boy like him unless he's rich." The girl blinked, looking at her mother incredulously, "O-Oh. Uhm, yes Mom."

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